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13 Drottinn talaði við Móse og Aron og sagði:

"Nú tekur einhver þrota, hrúður eða gljádíla í skinnið á hörundi sínu og verður að líkþrárskellu í skinninu á hörundi hans. Þá skal leiða hann fyrir Aron prest eða einhvern af prestunum, sonum hans.

Og prestur skal líta á skelluna í skinninu á hörundinu, og hafi hárin í skellunni gjörst hvít og beri skelluna dýpra en skinnið á hörundi hans, þá er það líkþrárskella. Og prestur skal líta á hann og dæma hann óhreinan.

En sé hvítur gljádíli í skinninu á hörundi hans og beri ekki dýpra en skinnið og hafi hárin í honum ekki gjörst hvít, þá skal prestur byrgja inni sjö daga þann, er skelluna hefir tekið.

Og prestur skal líta á hann á sjöunda degi, og sjái hann að jafnmikið ber á skellunni og hafi skellan ekki færst út í skinninu, þá skal prestur byrgja hann enn inni sjö daga.

Og prestur skal enn líta á hann á sjöunda degi, og sjái hann þá, að skellan hefir dökknað, og hafi skellan ekki færst út í skinninu, skal prestur dæma hann hreinan. Þá er það hrúður, og hann skal þvo klæði sín og er þá hreinn.

En færist hrúðrið út í skinninu eftir að hann sýndi sig prestinum til þess að verða dæmdur hreinn, þá skal hann aftur sýna sig prestinum.

Og prestur skal líta á, og sjái hann, að hrúðrið hefir færst út í skinninu, þá skal prestur dæma hann óhreinan. Þá er það líkþrá.

Nú tekur einhver líkþrárskellu, og skal leiða hann fyrir prest.

10 Og prestur skal líta á, og sjái hann, að hvítur þroti er í skinninu og hefir gjört hárin hvít, og lifandi kvika er í þrotanum,

11 þá er það gömul líkþrá í skinninu á hörundi hans, og skal prestur dæma hann óhreinan. Hann skal eigi byrgja hann inni, því að hann er óhreinn.

12 En brjótist líkþráin út um skinnið og hylji líkþráin allt skinnið frá hvirfli til ilja á þeim, er skellurnar hefir tekið, hvar sem prestur rennir augum til,

13 þá skal prestur líta á, og sjái hann, að líkþráin hefir hulið allt hörund hans, þá skal hann dæma hreinan þann, er skellurnar hefir tekið. Hann hefir þá allur gjörst hvítur og er þá hreinn.

14 En þegar er ber á kviku holdi á honum, skal hann vera óhreinn.

15 Og prestur skal líta á kvika holdið og dæma hann óhreinan. Kvika holdið er óhreint. Þá er það líkþrá.

16 En hverfi kvika holdið og gjörist hvítt, þá skal hann ganga fyrir prest.

17 Og prestur skal líta á hann, og sjái hann að skellurnar hafa gjörst hvítar, þá skal prestur dæma hreinan þann, er skellurnar hefir tekið. Þá er hann hreinn.

18 Nú kemur kýli í hörundið, út í skinnið, og grær,

19 og kemur í stað kýlisins hvítur þroti eða gljádíli ljósrauður, þá skal hann sýna sig presti.

20 Og prestur skal líta á, og sjái hann, að dílann ber lægra en skinnið og hárin í honum hafa gjörst hvít, skal prestur dæma hann óhreinan. Þá er það líkþrársótt, sem brotist hefir út í kýlinu.

21 En ef prestur lítur á hann og sér, að engin hvít hár eru í honum og hann er ekki lægri en skinnið og hefir dökknað, þá skal prestur byrgja hann inni sjö daga.

22 En færist hann út í skinninu, skal prestur dæma hann óhreinan. Þá er það líkþrársótt.

23 En ef gljádílinn stendur í stað og færist eigi út, þá er það kýlis-ör, og prestur skal dæma hann hreinan.

24 En ef brunasár kemur á hörundið og brunakvikan verður að gljádíla ljósrauðum eða hvítum,

25 þá skal prestur líta á hann. Og sjái hann, að hárin í gljádílanum hafa gjörst hvít og ber hann dýpra en skinnið, þá er það líkþrá, sem hefir brotist út í brunanum, og skal prestur dæma hann óhreinan. Þá er það líkþrársótt.

26 En ef prestur lítur á hann og sér, að engin hvít hár eru í gljádílanum og hann er ekki lægri en skinnið og hefir dökknað, þá skal prestur byrgja hann inni sjö daga.

27 Og prestur skal líta á hann á sjöunda degi. Hafi hann þá færst út í skinninu, skal prestur dæma hann óhreinan. Þá er það líkþrársótt.

28 En ef gljádílinn stendur í stað og hefir eigi færst út í skinninu, en dökknað, þá er það brunaþroti, og skal prestur dæma hann hreinan, því að þá er það bruna-ör.

29 Nú tekur karl eða kona skellu í höfuðið eða skeggið.

30 Þá skal prestur líta á skelluna, og sjái hann, að hana ber dýpra en skinnið og gulleit visin hár eru í henni, þá skal prestur dæma hann óhreinan. Þá er það skurfa, það er líkþrá í höfði eða skeggi.

31 Og er prestur lítur á skurfuskelluna og sér, að hana ber ekki dýpra en skinnið og engin svört hár eru í henni, þá skal prestur byrgja inni sjö daga þann, er skurfuskelluna hefir tekið.

32 Og prestur skal líta á skelluna á sjöunda degi, og sjái hann, að skurfan hefir eigi færst út og engin gulleit hár eru í henni og skurfuna ber eigi dýpra en skinnið,

33 þá skal hann raka sig, en skurfuna skal hann ekki raka, og prestur skal enn byrgja inni sjö daga þann, er skurfuna hefir tekið.

34 Og prestur skal líta á skurfuna á sjöunda degi, og sjái hann, að skurfan hefir eigi færst út í skinninu og hana ber ekki dýpra en skinnið, þá skal prestur dæma hann hreinan. Og hann skal þvo klæði sín og er þá hreinn.

35 En ef skurfan færist út í skinninu eftir að hann hefir verið dæmdur hreinn,

36 þá skal prestur líta á hann. Og sjái hann, að skurfan hefir færst út í skinninu, þá skal prestur ekki leita að gulleitu hárunum. Þá er hann óhreinn.

37 En ef jafnmikið ber á skurfunni og svört hár hafa sprottið í henni, þá er skurfan gróin. Hann er þá hreinn, og prestur skal dæma hann hreinan.

38 Nú tekur karl eða kona gljádíla, hvíta gljádíla í skinnið á hörundi sínu,

39 þá skal prestur líta á. Og sjái hann, að gljádílarnir í skinninu á hörundi þeirra eru dumb-hvítir, þá er það hringormur, sem hefir brotist út í skinninu. Þá er hann hreinn.

40 Nú verður einhver sköllóttur ofan á höfðinu, þá er hann hvirfilskalli og er hreinn.

41 Og ef hann verður sköllóttur framan á höfðinu, þá er hann ennisskalli og er hreinn.

42 En sé ljósrauð skella í hvirfilskallanum eða ennisskallanum, þá er það líkþrá, er út brýst í hvirfilskalla hans eða ennisskalla.

43 Prestur skal þá líta á hann, og sjái hann að skelluþrotinn í hvirfilskalla hans eða ennisskalla er ljósrauður, á að sjá sem líkþrá í skinninu á hörundinu,

44 þá er hann maður líkþrár og er óhreinn. Prestur skal sannlega dæma hann óhreinan. Líkþrársóttin er í höfði honum.

45 Líkþrár maður, er sóttina hefir, _ klæði hans skulu vera rifin og hár hans flakandi, og hann skal hylja kamp sinn og hrópa: ,Óhreinn, óhreinn!`

46 Alla þá stund, er hann hefir sóttina, skal hann óhreinn vera. Hann er óhreinn. Hann skal búa sér. Bústaður hans skal vera fyrir utan herbúðirnar.

47 Nú kemur líkþrárskella á fat, hvort heldur er ullarfat eða línfat,

48 eða vefnað eða prjónles af líni eða ullu, eða skinn eða eitthvað það, sem af skinni er gjört,

49 og sé skellan grænleit eða rauðleit á fatinu eða skinninu eða vefnaðinum eða prjónlesinu eða nokkrum hlut af skinni gjörvum, þá er það líkþrárskella, og skal sýna það prestinum.

50 Og prestur skal líta á skelluna og byrgja inni sjö daga það, er skellan er á.

51 Og hann skal líta á skelluna á sjöunda degi. Hafi skellan færst út á fatinu eða vefnaðinum eða prjónlesinu eða skinninu, til hverra nota sem skinnið er haft, þá er skellan skæð líkþrá. Þá er það óhreint.

52 Og skal brenna fatið eða vefnaðinn eða prjónlesið, hvort það er heldur af ullu eða líni, eða hvern hlut af skinni gjörvan, er skellan er á, því að það er skæð líkþrá. Það skal í eldi brenna.

53 En ef prestur lítur á og sér, að skellan hefir eigi færst út í fatinu eða vefnaðinum eða prjónlesinu eða á einhverjum hlut af skinni gjörvum,

54 þá skal prestur bjóða að þvo það, sem skellan er á, og hann skal enn byrgja það inni sjö daga.

55 Og prestur skal líta á, eftir að það, sem skellan er á, er þvegið, og sjái hann, að skellan hefir eigi breytt lit og skellan hefir eigi færst út, þá er það óhreint. Þú skalt brenna það í eldi, þá er það áta, hvort það er heldur á úthverfunni eða rétthverfunni.

56 En ef prestur lítur á og sér, að skellan hefir dökknað, eftir að hún var þvegin, þá skal hann rífa hana af fatinu eða skinninu eða vefnaðinum eða prjónlesinu.

57 En komi hún enn í ljós á fatinu eða vefnaðinum eða prjónlesinu eða á nokkrum hlut af skinni gjörvum, þá er það líkþrá, sem er að brjótast út. Þú skalt brenna í eldi það, er skellan er á.

58 En það fat eða vefnaður eða prjónles, eða sérhver hlutur af skinni gjör, sem skellan gengur af, ef þvegið er, það skal þvo annað sinn, og er þá hreint."

59 Þessi eru ákvæðin um líkþrársótt í ullarfati eða línfati eða vefnaði eða prjónlesi eða nokkrum hlut af skinni gjörvum, er það skal dæma hreint eða óhreint.

Regulations About Defiling Skin Diseases

13 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “When anyone has a swelling(A) or a rash or a shiny spot(B) on their skin that may be a defiling skin disease,[a](C) they must be brought to Aaron the priest(D) or to one of his sons[b] who is a priest. The priest is to examine the sore on the skin, and if the hair in the sore has turned white and the sore appears to be more than skin deep, it is a defiling skin disease. When the priest examines that person, he shall pronounce them ceremonially unclean.(E) If the shiny spot(F) on the skin is white but does not appear to be more than skin deep and the hair in it has not turned white, the priest is to isolate the affected person for seven days.(G) On the seventh day(H) the priest is to examine them,(I) and if he sees that the sore is unchanged and has not spread in the skin, he is to isolate them for another seven days. On the seventh day the priest is to examine them again, and if the sore has faded and has not spread in the skin, the priest shall pronounce them clean;(J) it is only a rash. They must wash their clothes,(K) and they will be clean.(L) But if the rash does spread in their skin after they have shown themselves to the priest to be pronounced clean, they must appear before the priest again.(M) The priest is to examine that person, and if the rash has spread in the skin, he shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling skin disease.

“When anyone has a defiling skin disease, they must be brought to the priest. 10 The priest is to examine them, and if there is a white swelling in the skin that has turned the hair white and if there is raw flesh in the swelling, 11 it is a chronic skin disease(N) and the priest shall pronounce them unclean. He is not to isolate them, because they are already unclean.

12 “If the disease breaks out all over their skin and, so far as the priest can see, it covers all the skin of the affected person from head to foot, 13 the priest is to examine them, and if the disease has covered their whole body, he shall pronounce them clean. Since it has all turned white, they are clean. 14 But whenever raw flesh appears on them, they will be unclean. 15 When the priest sees the raw flesh, he shall pronounce them unclean. The raw flesh is unclean; they have a defiling disease.(O) 16 If the raw flesh changes and turns white, they must go to the priest. 17 The priest is to examine them, and if the sores have turned white, the priest shall pronounce the affected person clean;(P) then they will be clean.

18 “When someone has a boil(Q) on their skin and it heals, 19 and in the place where the boil was, a white swelling or reddish-white(R) spot(S) appears, they must present themselves to the priest. 20 The priest is to examine it, and if it appears to be more than skin deep and the hair in it has turned white, the priest shall pronounce that person unclean. It is a defiling skin disease(T) that has broken out where the boil was. 21 But if, when the priest examines it, there is no white hair in it and it is not more than skin deep and has faded, then the priest is to isolate them for seven days. 22 If it is spreading in the skin, the priest shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling disease. 23 But if the spot is unchanged and has not spread, it is only a scar from the boil, and the priest shall pronounce them clean.(U)

24 “When someone has a burn on their skin and a reddish-white or white spot appears in the raw flesh of the burn, 25 the priest is to examine the spot, and if the hair in it has turned white, and it appears to be more than skin deep, it is a defiling disease that has broken out in the burn. The priest shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling skin disease.(V) 26 But if the priest examines it and there is no white hair in the spot and if it is not more than skin deep and has faded, then the priest is to isolate them for seven days.(W) 27 On the seventh day the priest is to examine that person,(X) and if it is spreading in the skin, the priest shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling skin disease. 28 If, however, the spot is unchanged and has not spread in the skin but has faded, it is a swelling from the burn, and the priest shall pronounce them clean; it is only a scar from the burn.(Y)

29 “If a man or woman has a sore on their head(Z) or chin, 30 the priest is to examine the sore, and if it appears to be more than skin deep and the hair in it is yellow and thin, the priest shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling skin disease on the head or chin. 31 But if, when the priest examines the sore, it does not seem to be more than skin deep and there is no black hair in it, then the priest is to isolate the affected person for seven days.(AA) 32 On the seventh day the priest is to examine the sore,(AB) and if it has not spread and there is no yellow hair in it and it does not appear to be more than skin deep, 33 then the man or woman must shave themselves, except for the affected area, and the priest is to keep them isolated another seven days. 34 On the seventh day the priest is to examine the sore,(AC) and if it has not spread in the skin and appears to be no more than skin deep, the priest shall pronounce them clean. They must wash their clothes, and they will be clean.(AD) 35 But if the sore does spread in the skin after they are pronounced clean, 36 the priest is to examine them, and if he finds that the sore has spread in the skin, he does not need to look for yellow hair; they are unclean.(AE) 37 If, however, the sore is unchanged so far as the priest can see, and if black hair has grown in it, the affected person is healed. They are clean, and the priest shall pronounce them clean.

38 “When a man or woman has white spots on the skin, 39 the priest is to examine them, and if the spots are dull white, it is a harmless rash that has broken out on the skin; they are clean.

40 “A man who has lost his hair and is bald(AF) is clean. 41 If he has lost his hair from the front of his scalp and has a bald forehead, he is clean. 42 But if he has a reddish-white sore on his bald head or forehead, it is a defiling disease breaking out on his head or forehead. 43 The priest is to examine him, and if the swollen sore on his head or forehead is reddish-white like a defiling skin disease, 44 the man is diseased and is unclean. The priest shall pronounce him unclean because of the sore on his head.

45 “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes,(AG) let their hair be unkempt,[c] cover the lower part of their face(AH) and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’(AI) 46 As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp.(AJ)

Regulations About Defiling Molds

47 “As for any fabric that is spoiled with a defiling mold—any woolen or linen clothing, 48 any woven or knitted material of linen or wool, any leather or anything made of leather— 49 if the affected area in the fabric, the leather, the woven or knitted material, or any leather article, is greenish or reddish, it is a defiling mold and must be shown to the priest.(AK) 50 The priest is to examine the affected area(AL) and isolate the article for seven days. 51 On the seventh day he is to examine it,(AM) and if the mold has spread in the fabric, the woven or knitted material, or the leather, whatever its use, it is a persistent defiling mold; the article is unclean.(AN) 52 He must burn the fabric, the woven or knitted material of wool or linen, or any leather article that has been spoiled; because the defiling mold is persistent, the article must be burned.(AO)

53 “But if, when the priest examines it, the mold has not spread in the fabric, the woven or knitted material, or the leather article, 54 he shall order that the spoiled article be washed. Then he is to isolate it for another seven days. 55 After the article has been washed, the priest is to examine it again, and if the mold has not changed its appearance, even though it has not spread, it is unclean. Burn it, no matter which side of the fabric has been spoiled. 56 If, when the priest examines it, the mold has faded after the article has been washed, he is to tear the spoiled part out of the fabric, the leather, or the woven or knitted material. 57 But if it reappears in the fabric, in the woven or knitted material, or in the leather article, it is a spreading mold; whatever has the mold must be burned. 58 Any fabric, woven or knitted material, or any leather article that has been washed and is rid of the mold, must be washed again. Then it will be clean.”

59 These are the regulations concerning defiling molds in woolen or linen clothing, woven or knitted material, or any leather article, for pronouncing them clean or unclean.


  1. Leviticus 13:2 The Hebrew word for defiling skin disease, traditionally translated “leprosy,” was used for various diseases affecting the skin; here and throughout verses 3-46.
  2. Leviticus 13:2 Or descendants
  3. Leviticus 13:45 Or clothes, uncover their head

13 And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, saying,

When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests:

And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh: and when the hair in the plague is turned white, and the plague in sight be deeper than the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of leprosy: and the priest shall look on him, and pronounce him unclean.

If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight be not deeper than the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned white; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague seven days:

And the priest shall look on him the seventh day: and, behold, if the plague in his sight be at a stay, and the plague spread not in the skin; then the priest shall shut him up seven days more:

And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day: and, behold, if the plague be somewhat dark, and the plague spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean: it is but a scab: and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

But if the scab spread much abroad in the skin, after that he hath been seen of the priest for his cleansing, he shall be seen of the priest again.

And if the priest see that, behold, the scab spreadeth in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a leprosy.

When the plague of leprosy is in a man, then he shall be brought unto the priest;

10 And the priest shall see him: and, behold, if the rising be white in the skin, and it have turned the hair white, and there be quick raw flesh in the rising;

11 It is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, and shall not shut him up: for he is unclean.

12 And if a leprosy break out abroad in the skin, and the leprosy cover all the skin of him that hath the plague from his head even to his foot, wheresoever the priest looketh;

13 Then the priest shall consider: and, behold, if the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague: it is all turned white: he is clean.

14 But when raw flesh appeareth in him, he shall be unclean.

15 And the priest shall see the raw flesh, and pronounce him to be unclean: for the raw flesh is unclean: it is a leprosy.

16 Or if the raw flesh turn again, and be changed unto white, he shall come unto the priest;

17 And the priest shall see him: and, behold, if the plague be turned into white; then the priest shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague: he is clean.

18 The flesh also, in which, even in the skin thereof, was a boil, and is healed,

19 And in the place of the boil there be a white rising, or a bright spot, white, and somewhat reddish, and it be shewed to the priest;

20 And if, when the priest seeth it, behold, it be in sight lower than the skin, and the hair thereof be turned white; the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a plague of leprosy broken out of the boil.

21 But if the priest look on it, and, behold, there be no white hairs therein, and if it be not lower than the skin, but be somewhat dark; then the priest shall shut him up seven days:

22 And if it spread much abroad in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a plague.

23 But if the bright spot stay in his place, and spread not, it is a burning boil; and the priest shall pronounce him clean.

24 Or if there be any flesh, in the skin whereof there is a hot burning, and the quick flesh that burneth have a white bright spot, somewhat reddish, or white;

25 Then the priest shall look upon it: and, behold, if the hair in the bright spot be turned white, and it be in sight deeper than the skin; it is a leprosy broken out of the burning: wherefore the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is the plague of leprosy.

26 But if the priest look on it, and, behold, there be no white hair in the bright spot, and it be no lower than the other skin, but be somewhat dark; then the priest shall shut him up seven days:

27 And the priest shall look upon him the seventh day: and if it be spread much abroad in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is the plague of leprosy.

28 And if the bright spot stay in his place, and spread not in the skin, but it be somewhat dark; it is a rising of the burning, and the priest shall pronounce him clean: for it is an inflammation of the burning.

29 If a man or woman have a plague upon the head or the beard;

30 Then the priest shall see the plague: and, behold, if it be in sight deeper than the skin; and there be in it a yellow thin hair; then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a dry scall, even a leprosy upon the head or beard.

31 And if the priest look on the plague of the scall, and, behold, it be not in sight deeper than the skin, and that there is no black hair in it; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague of the scall seven days:

32 And in the seventh day the priest shall look on the plague: and, behold, if the scall spread not, and there be in it no yellow hair, and the scall be not in sight deeper than the skin;

33 He shall be shaven, but the scall shall he not shave; and the priest shall shut up him that hath the scall seven days more:

34 And in the seventh day the priest shall look on the scall: and, behold, if the scall be not spread in the skin, nor be in sight deeper than the skin; then the priest shall pronounce him clean: and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

35 But if the scall spread much in the skin after his cleansing;

36 Then the priest shall look on him: and, behold, if the scall be spread in the skin, the priest shall not seek for yellow hair; he is unclean.

37 But if the scall be in his sight at a stay, and that there is black hair grown up therein; the scall is healed, he is clean: and the priest shall pronounce him clean.

38 If a man also or a woman have in the skin of their flesh bright spots, even white bright spots;

39 Then the priest shall look: and, behold, if the bright spots in the skin of their flesh be darkish white; it is a freckled spot that groweth in the skin; he is clean.

40 And the man whose hair is fallen off his head, he is bald; yet is he clean.

41 And he that hath his hair fallen off from the part of his head toward his face, he is forehead bald: yet is he clean.

42 And if there be in the bald head, or bald forehead, a white reddish sore; it is a leprosy sprung up in his bald head, or his bald forehead.

43 Then the priest shall look upon it: and, behold, if the rising of the sore be white reddish in his bald head, or in his bald forehead, as the leprosy appeareth in the skin of the flesh;

44 He is a leprous man, he is unclean: the priest shall pronounce him utterly unclean; his plague is in his head.

45 And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean.

46 All the days wherein the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled; he is unclean: he shall dwell alone; without the camp shall his habitation be.

47 The garment also that the plague of leprosy is in, whether it be a woollen garment, or a linen garment;

48 Whether it be in the warp, or woof; of linen, or of woollen; whether in a skin, or in any thing made of skin;

49 And if the plague be greenish or reddish in the garment, or in the skin, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of skin; it is a plague of leprosy, and shall be shewed unto the priest:

50 And the priest shall look upon the plague, and shut up it that hath the plague seven days:

51 And he shall look on the plague on the seventh day: if the plague be spread in the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in a skin, or in any work that is made of skin; the plague is a fretting leprosy; it is unclean.

52 He shall therefore burn that garment, whether warp or woof, in woollen or in linen, or any thing of skin, wherein the plague is: for it is a fretting leprosy; it shall be burnt in the fire.

53 And if the priest shall look, and, behold, the plague be not spread in the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of skin;

54 Then the priest shall command that they wash the thing wherein the plague is, and he shall shut it up seven days more:

55 And the priest shall look on the plague, after that it is washed: and, behold, if the plague have not changed his colour, and the plague be not spread; it is unclean; thou shalt burn it in the fire; it is fret inward, whether it be bare within or without.

56 And if the priest look, and, behold, the plague be somewhat dark after the washing of it; then he shall rend it out of the garment, or out of the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof:

57 And if it appear still in the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of skin; it is a spreading plague: thou shalt burn that wherein the plague is with fire.

58 And the garment, either warp, or woof, or whatsoever thing of skin it be, which thou shalt wash, if the plague be departed from them, then it shall be washed the second time, and shall be clean.

59 This is the law of the plague of leprosy in a garment of woollen or linen, either in the warp, or woof, or any thing of skins, to pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it unclean.