Estudio constante de las Escrituras/ Speaking Scripture Practice Tips
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Speaking Scripture Practice Tips

  • To speak Scripture into people’s lives, you must first spend time in God’s Word yourself. You don’t have to know everything there is to know about a passage to share it with someone; the goal is not to preach a sermon. You mostly need to share what is on your heart and mind, something that stirs you, something you’re thinking about. The more you know the Bible, the more opportunities you’ll have to share because you’ll be able to make more connections to life.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to someone you can share Scripture with today. It may or may not be a Christian.
  • There is no need to force a conversation about Scripture. Let the process happen as naturally as you can (but don’t let “it wasn’t natural” to be an excuse for never sharing). You aren’t “scoring points” by having a conversation or failing God if you don’t have the conversation you were hoping to have. Really, you are just sharing with a friend something your best Friend (the Lord) has said to you. God’s Word is to be shared.
  • Simple conversation starters could include: “That reminds me of a passage in the Bible [but only if it actually does]”; “My pastor taught something from the Bible I had never heard before”; “I read something in the Bible yesterday that was an encouragement to me”; “Would you mind my sharing something from the Bible that seems to fit what you’re experiencing?” Ask yourself what someone else could say that you would find winsome and would cause you to listen.
  • Keep it short. You don’t have to say everything you know. Just as you only need a little salt on your food to bring out the taste, let your words from Scripture add seasoning to your conversations (Colossians 4:6).
  • Ask the person questions. This is a conversation, not a monologue. Listen to what the other person says back to you. You most likely will be challenged with what they say.
  • Be yourself. We all see through people who are inauthentic.
  • Be brave and keep trying. Why do we have such a hard time saying the most important things in life? Remember, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7).

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© Phil Collins, Ph.D., 2014. This material was created in partnership with the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement.