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11 Forsooth at the last they saw a new creature of birds, when they were led by covetousness, and asked (for) meats of feast. [At the last forsooth they saw a new creature of birds, when, led by lust, they asked (for) meats of delicious eating.]

12 For in the speaking to, that is, at the asking of them, of (or for) their desire, a curlew ascended to them from the sea; [In the speech forsooth of the desire, went up to them from the sea a curlew;]

13 and dis-eases came on (the) sinners, and not without provings of those things, that were done before by the fierceness of floods. For they suffered justly, by their wickednesses; for they ordained more abominable unhospitality. [and travails to sinners came upon, not without those evidences, that were made by the force of floods. Rightwisely forsooth they suffered, after their shrewdnesses (or depravities); forsooth into abominable hospitality they stood in.]

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