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Tej t‑xi qˈiˈn Jesús twutz Pilat(A)

15  Atzaj teˈ qsqix, bˈaj ok kychmoˈn kynejil pale kyibˈ kykyaqilx kyukˈa xnaqˈtzil tiˈj ojtxe kawbˈil, kyukˈa jniˈ nmaq xjal ex kyukˈa jniˈ nmaq kawil. Xi kyjtzˈoˈn Jesús wen, ex xi qˈiˈn twutz Pilat.

Teˈ tkanin, xi tqanin Pilat te: ¿Atzinjiy nmaq kawil kye Judiy?

Axa ma qˈmante, chi Jesús.

Ayetzin kynejil pale nimx ja bˈant kyuˈn tiˈj Jesús twutz Pilat.

Xi tqanin juntl majl Pilat te: ¿Ntiˈxsin chˈin ntqˈmaˈn? ¡Bˈinqexsin jniˈxsin nkyqˈmaˈn tiˈja!

Noq jaw kaˈylaj Pilat, tuˈn mix xi ttzaqˈwine Jesús.

Tej t‑xi tqˈmaˈn Pilat, tuˈn tkubˈ bˈyet Jesús(B)

Me ante Pilat, a aj kawil, aj tikyˈ junjun Xjan Qˈij, kukx nxi ttzaqpiˈntaq jun xjal, a tkuˈxtaq toj tze. Me nejtaq nxi tqanin alkye kyajxjal tuˈn t‑xi tzaqpet. Attaqtzin jun ichin, Barrabás tbˈi, tkuˈxtaq toj tze, kyukˈa jteˈl tukˈa, kybˈiybˈin toj jun qˈoj bˈaj kyiˈj kawil te Rom. I bˈaj xitzin tiljo jniˈ xjal qˈmalte te Pilat, ex i ok ten qˈmalte te, tuˈn tjatz ttzaqpiˈn jun xjal tzeˈnkuxtaqjo ntene kyuˈn.

I xi ttzaqˈwin Pilat: ¿Kyajtziˈn tuˈn t‑xi ntzaqpinjiˈy Jesús, a nmaq kawil kye Judiy? 10 Quˈn el tnikyˈ te qa noqtaq tuˈn tloˈchj kykˈuˈjjo kynejil pale otaq txi kyine. 11 I bˈaj ok ten kynejil pale qˈmalte kye jniˈ xjal, tuˈn t‑xi kyqanin te Pilat, tuˈn t‑xi tzaqpet Barrabás.

12 Xitzin tqanin Pilat kye: ¿Titzin kyajtza tuˈn tok nbˈinchiˈn tiˈjjo ichin luˈn, a tok tbˈi kyuˈn te nmaq kawil kye Judiy?

13 Jotqex i bˈaj jaw ẍchˈin: ¡Pejkˈinka twutz cruz tuˈn tkyim! chi chiˈ.

14 Xi tqanin juntl majl Pilat: ¿Tinquˈn? ¿Tiˈxsiˈn nya wen ma tbˈinche? chiˈ.

Xi kytzaqˈwin juntl majl kujxix wen.

¡Pejkˈinka twutz cruz tuˈn tkyim!

15 Tkyˈeˈtaq Pilat tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoj xjal tukˈa. Tuˈnpetziˈn, bˈeˈx xi ttzaqpiˈn Barrabás, ex bˈeˈx xi tqˈoˈn Jesús kye xqˈuqil te aj Rom, tuˈn tok kypejkˈin twutz cruz tuˈn tkyim.

16 Xi kyiˈn xqˈuqil te aj Rom twiˈ tpeˈn kawbˈil, ex bˈaj ok kychmoˈn jniˈ kybˈaj. 17 Ok kyqˈoˈn jun xbˈalin tiˈj, kyaq kaˈyin, tzeˈn t‑xbˈalin jun kawil, noq tuˈn tok kyxmayinku. Bˈaj kubˈ kyxpatxˈiˈn tqan txˈiˈx, ex ok kymujbˈin ttxaˈn. Jax kyqˈoˈn toj twiˈ nyakuj jun toj twiˈ nmaq kawil, 18 exsin i bˈaj ok tentz ẍchˈil tiˈj: Nimxit tbˈiˈy, ay nmaq kawil kye aj Judiy, chi chiˈ.

19 I bˈaj ok ten jemil toj twiˈ Jesús tukˈa tze, bˈaj ok kytzubˈin tiˈj, ex bˈaj kubˈ meje twutz, nyakutlaj nchi kˈulenaj twutz. 20 Kybˈajlinxi xmayin tiˈj, el kyiˈn xbˈalin, a ok kyqˈoˈn, exsin ok kyqˈoˈn a t‑xbˈalin toktaq, exsin etz kyiˈn tpeˈn ja te kawbˈil, a jaˈ tuˈn tok kypejkˈin twutz cruz.

Tej tjaw pejkˈit Jesús twutz cruz(C)

21 Attaq jun ichin aj Cirene, Simun tbˈi, ttata Lejantr ex Ruf, n‑ikyˈkutaq antza tzajnin toj tbˈe. Teˈ tok kykˈulbˈin, ok kyqˈoˈn il tiˈj tuˈn t‑xi tiqin tcruz Jesús. 22 Pon kyin toj jun najbˈil Gólgota tbˈi, atzin tzˈelpine bˈibˈaj ikyjo: Ja taˈ tbˈaqil twiˈ kyimnin. 23 Xi kyqˈoˈn vin smaˈnx tukˈa taˈl mir te, tuˈn mina tnaˈyeku kyixkˈoj. Me mix xi tkˈwaˈne. 24 Bˈeˈxsin jaw kypejkˈiˈn xqˈuqil te Rom twutz cruz, ex bˈaj kubˈ kypaˈn t‑xbˈalin Jesús kywutz. Me nej, i bˈaj saqchan tiˈj alkyetaq tuˈn tkanbˈinte, tuˈn t‑xi tiˈn. 25 Bˈeljaj or te qlixje teˈ tjaw kyqˈoˈn Jesús twutz cruz. 26 Ok kypejkˈin jun tzˈlan tibˈajxi twiˈ, me nej ok kytzˈibˈin twutz kyjaluˈn: Ate Jesúsjo, a Nmaq Kawil kye aj Judiy.

27 Junx tukˈa Jesús jaw kyqˈoˈn kabˈe ileqˈ twutz cruz, jun toj tman qˈobˈ ex juntl toj tẍnayaj. 28 Ikytzin japin bˈajjo Tyol Dios tiˈj Jesús, a ntqˈmaˈ: Ok qˈoˈn tzeˈnku jun ileqˈ.

29 Ex jniˈqe xjal nchi bˈaj ikyˈxtaq antza, noqx nchi bˈaj yasintaq tiˈj, ex noqx nja kyyekin tiˈj kywiˈ te kyxmaybˈil tiˈj, ex kyqˈma: ¡Nyakutzin atejiy nqˈmante tuˈn tjaw tyuchˈiˈn tnejil ja te naˈbˈl Dios, exsin tuˈn tbˈant juntl tuˈn toj oxe qˈij! 30 Klomiltzin tibˈa jaˈlin, ex qˈinkutz tibˈa twutz cruz, chi chiˈ.

31 Ikyx nbˈaj kyqˈmaˈntaqjo jniˈ kynejil pale exqetziˈn jniˈ xnaqˈtzil tiˈj ojtxe kawbˈil. Nbˈaj kubˈ kyqˈmaˈntaq kyxolile: ¿Tzeˈn tten nbˈaj klettaq junjuntl xjal tuˈn, me antetz, mi nbˈant tklonte tibˈ? chi chiˈ. 32 In tkuˈtz twutz cruz jaˈlin, tuˈn tok qkaˈyin, ex tuˈn t‑xi qnimin, qa twutzxix qa a Crist, a Kolil ex nmaq kawil te aj Israel.

Ex ikyqexljo yoˈlqekstaq tukˈa twutz cruz, noqx nchi yasin, ex noqx nchi bˈaj xmayintaq tiˈj.

Tej tel kyim Jesús(D)

33 Teˈ tok kabˈlaj qˈij, ex tzmaxi toj oxe or te qale, bˈeˈx ok yupj twutz txˈotxˈ. 34 Ax orjo jaw ẍchˈin Jesús kujxix wen, ex tqˈma: Eloi, Eloi, lama sabactani. Atzin tzˈelpine ikyjo: ¡NMan Dios! ¡NMan Dios! ¿Tiˈxsin quˈn ma chin kyij ttzaqpiˈn?

35 At junjun bˈaj bˈinte, kyxolxjo iteˈxtaq axsa ex bˈaj kyqˈma: Kybˈinxsiˈn, luˈ nqˈolbˈin tiˈj Elías, a yolil Tyol Dios.

36 Ex jun paqx el rinin jun jyolte chˈin bˈuˈẍ. Kux tmulin toj vin txˈam, ex ok tkˈloˈn tiˈj twiˈ jun ptzˈan, tuˈn t‑xi tkˈwaˈn Jesús. Bˈaj xi kyqˈmaˈn xjal te: ¡Ax tenkuj! Jekytzin tzul Elías qˈilte, tuˈn tkuˈtz twutz tcruz.

37 Jaw ẍchˈin Jesús kujxix, ex bˈeˈx el kyim. 38 Atzin xbˈalin tokxtaq tojjo tnejil ja te naˈbˈl Dios, bˈeˈx kubˈ laqj te kabˈe; tzaj xkye tiˈjjo ttxaˈn jawl, tuˈn tkˈul kanin tiˈjjo juntl ttxaˈn twutz txˈotxˈ.

39 Atzin kynejineljo xqˈuqil te Rom, waˈltaq twutz Jesús, teˈ tok tkaˈyin otaq tzˈel kyim, tqˈma kyjaluˈn: Twutzx tetz Tkˈwal Diostaq teˈ ichin lo.

40 Najchaq nchi bˈaj kaˈyintztaq junjun qya; kyxol atetaq Mariy, aj Xleˈn, ex Salomé, exsin Mariy, tnana jun Santyaw kyitzˈin kyibˈ tukˈa Jse. 41 Ayetziˈn qya, ayeˈ i bˈaj bˈet tukˈa Jesús teˈ nbˈettaq toj Galiley, ex i mojin tukˈa, me nya oˈkqexjo, ex iteˈxtaq txqantl ncheˈxtaq tukˈa Jerusalén.

Tej tkux muquˈn Jesús(E)

42 Atzaj teˈ qok yupj tojjo qˈij anetziˈn, jotxtaq xjal tuˈn tbˈanttaq kyten te junxil qˈij, a qˈij te ajlabˈl, a jaˈ mix aˈltaq tuˈn taqˈnin. 43 Ante Jse aj Arimatey, jun xjal nimxixtaq toklin kyxol kawil ex nyoˈntaq tiˈjjo Tkawbˈil Dios, el tiˈn tchewil tiˈj, exsin xiˈ tukˈa Pilat, a kawil, qanil teˈ t‑xmilil Jesús, tuˈn tel tiˈn twutz cruz, ex tuˈn t‑xi muqbˈaj toj jul. 44 Teˈ tbˈinte Pilat qa otaq kyim Jesús, bˈeˈx jaw kaˈylaj, exsin xi ttxkoˈn kynejiljo kawil xqˈuqil, tuˈn t‑xi tqanin te qa otaq kyim. 45 Teˈ tbˈaj tqˈmaˈn tkyaqil te Pilat, bˈeˈxsin xi ttziyin te Jse, tuˈn tel tiˈn, ex tuˈn tokx tmuquˈn. 46 Tzaj tlaqˈoˈn Jse jun iqbˈil tbˈanilx wen, kutz tiˈn t‑xmilil Jesús twutz cruz, bˈaj tptzoˈn wen tojjo iqbˈil, exsin okx tqˈoˈn toj jun jul, kyij tjpuˈn tukˈa jun ma tij abˈj. 47 Ayetzin Mariy, aj Xleˈn, exsin Mariy, tnana Jse, nchi kaˈyintaq jaˈ okxi muquˈn.

Jesus Before Pilate(A)

15 Very early in the morning, the chief priests, with the elders, the teachers of the law(B) and the whole Sanhedrin,(C) made their plans. So they bound Jesus, led him away and handed him over to Pilate.(D)

“Are you the king of the Jews?”(E) asked Pilate.

“You have said so,” Jesus replied.

The chief priests accused him of many things. So again Pilate asked him, “Aren’t you going to answer? See how many things they are accusing you of.”

But Jesus still made no reply,(F) and Pilate was amazed.

Now it was the custom at the festival to release a prisoner whom the people requested. A man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising. The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did.

“Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?”(G) asked Pilate, 10 knowing it was out of self-interest that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him. 11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas(H) instead.

12 “What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them.

13 “Crucify him!” they shouted.

14 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.

But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”

15 Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged,(I) and handed him over to be crucified.

The Soldiers Mock Jesus(J)

16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace(K) (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers. 17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him. 18 And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!”(L) 19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. 20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out(M) to crucify him.

The Crucifixion of Jesus(N)

21 A certain man from Cyrene,(O) Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus,(P) was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross.(Q) 22 They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which means “the place of the skull”). 23 Then they offered him wine mixed with myrrh,(R) but he did not take it. 24 And they crucified him. Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots(S) to see what each would get.

25 It was nine in the morning when they crucified him. 26 The written notice of the charge against him read: the king of the jews.(T)

27 They crucified two rebels with him, one on his right and one on his left. [28] [a] 29 Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads(U) and saying, “So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days,(V) 30 come down from the cross and save yourself!” 31 In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him(W) among themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! 32 Let this Messiah,(X) this king of Israel,(Y) come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.

The Death of Jesus(Z)

33 At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.(AA) 34 And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).[b](AB)

35 When some of those standing near heard this, they said, “Listen, he’s calling Elijah.”

36 Someone ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar,(AC) put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to take him down,” he said.

37 With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.(AD)

38 The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.(AE) 39 And when the centurion,(AF) who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died,[c] he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”(AG)

40 Some women were watching from a distance.(AH) Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joseph,[d] and Salome.(AI) 41 In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there.(AJ)

The Burial of Jesus(AK)

42 It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath).(AL) So as evening approached, 43 Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council,(AM) who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God,(AN) went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. 44 Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already dead. Summoning the centurion, he asked him if Jesus had already died. 45 When he learned from the centurion(AO) that it was so, he gave the body to Joseph. 46 So Joseph bought some linen cloth, took down the body, wrapped it in the linen, and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock. Then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb.(AP) 47 Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph(AQ) saw where he was laid.


  1. Mark 15:28 Some manuscripts include here words similar to Luke 22:37.
  2. Mark 15:34 Psalm 22:1
  3. Mark 15:39 Some manuscripts saw that he died with such a cry
  4. Mark 15:40 Greek Joses, a variant of Joseph; also in verse 47

15 And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate.

And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answering said unto them, Thou sayest it.

And the chief priests accused him of many things: but he answered nothing.

And Pilate asked him again, saying, Answerest thou nothing? behold how many things they witness against thee.

But Jesus yet answered nothing; so that Pilate marvelled.

Now at that feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired.

And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.

And the multitude crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them.

But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?

10 For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy.

11 But the chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them.

12 And Pilate answered and said again unto them, What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews?

13 And they cried out again, Crucify him.

14 Then Pilate said unto them, Why, what evil hath he done? And they cried out the more exceedingly, Crucify him.

15 And so Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified.

16 And the soldiers led him away into the hall, called Praetorium; and they call together the whole band.

17 And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head,

18 And began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jews!

19 And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing their knees worshipped him.

20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple from him, and put his own clothes on him, and led him out to crucify him.

21 And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross.

22 And they bring him unto the place Golgotha, which is, being interpreted, The place of a skull.

23 And they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh: but he received it not.

24 And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take.

25 And it was the third hour, and they crucified him.

26 And the superscription of his accusation was written over, The King Of The Jews.

27 And with him they crucify two thieves; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left.

28 And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors.

29 And they that passed by railed on him, wagging their heads, and saying, Ah, thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days,

30 Save thyself, and come down from the cross.

31 Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes, He saved others; himself he cannot save.

32 Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe. And they that were crucified with him reviled him.

33 And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.

34 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

35 And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias.

36 And one ran and filled a spunge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down.

37 And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost.

38 And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.

39 And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.

40 There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome;

41 (Who also, when he was in Galilee, followed him, and ministered unto him;) and many other women which came up with him unto Jerusalem.

42 And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath,

43 Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.

44 And Pilate marvelled if he were already dead: and calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while dead.

45 And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph.

46 And he bought fine linen, and took him down, and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre.

47 And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid.