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Li Jesús quicuacli cuiˈchic chi yoˈyo saˈ xya̱nkeb li camenak

24  Saˈ li xbe̱n li cutan re li xama̱n, toj ekˈela chi us, co̱eb li ixk cuan cuiˈ li mukleba̱l. Queˈxcˈam li sununquil ban li queˈxyi̱b. Ut cuanqueb jalaneb chic ixk rochbeneb. Nak queˈcuulac, queˈril nak ac isinbil chic li nimla pec li natzˈapoc re li mukleba̱l. Ut nak queˈoc chi saˈ li mukleba̱l, incˈaˈ queˈxtau li camenak. Queˈsach xchˈo̱leb ut incˈaˈ queˈxnau cˈaˈru teˈxba̱nu. Ut xaka̱mil chiruheb cuib li cui̱nk. Nalemtzˈun li rakˈeb. Cˈajoˈ nak queˈxucuac li ixk. Queˈxxulub li riloba̱l. Ut eb li cui̱nk queˈxye reheb: ―¿Cˈaˈut nak nequesicˈ li yoˈyo saˈ xya̱nkeb li camenak? Aˈan ma̱ ani chic arin. Ac xcuacli cuiˈchic chi yoˈyo. Chijulticokˈ e̱re li cˈaˈru quixye chak nak toj cua̱nk chak Galilea. Quixye nak tento ta̱kˈaxtesi̱k li Cˈajolbej saˈ rukˈeb li cui̱nk aj ma̱c. Ta̱qˈuehekˈ chiru cruz ut ta̱camsi̱k. Ut quixye ajcuiˈ nak ta̱cuacli̱k cuiˈchic chi yoˈyo saˈ xya̱nkeb li camenak saˈ rox li cutan, chanqueb. Riqˈuin aˈan quinak saˈ xchˈo̱leb li ixk li cˈaˈru quixye li Jesús. Queˈel saˈ li mukleba̱l ut co̱eb. Coleˈxye resil chixjunil li cˈaˈak re ru aˈin reheb li junlaju ut reheb ajcuiˈ li jun chˈol chic. 10 Eb li ixk li queˈyehoc re li esilal aˈin reheb li apóstol, aˈan eb lix María Magdala xtenamit, lix Juana ut lix María lix naˈ laj Jacobo rochbeneb li jun chˈol chic li ixk. 11 Abanan eb li junlaju chi apóstol incˈaˈ queˈxpa̱b li cˈaˈru queˈxye li ixk. Saˈ xchˈo̱leb aˈan nak moco ya̱l ta li yo̱queb chixyebal. 12 Abanan laj Pedro co̱ saˈ a̱nil saˈ li mukleba̱l. Qui‑iloc chi saˈ ut quiril nak caˈaj chic li tˈicr lino cuan aran. Joˈcan nak sachso xchˈo̱l chi cˈoxlac nak quisukˈi saˈ rochoch.

Li Jesús quixcˈutbesi rib chiruheb li cui̱nk nak yo̱queb chi xic Emaús

13 Saˈ ajcuiˈ li cutan aˈan, cuibeb lix tzolom li Jesús yo̱queb chi xic saˈ li chˈina tenamit Emaús. Li tenamit aˈan junlaju kilómetro na xnajtil riqˈuin Jerusalén. 14 Yo̱queb chi a̱tinac chi rilbileb rib chirix chixjunil li cˈaˈak re ru quicˈulman saˈ eb li cutan aˈan. 15 Nak yo̱queb chi a̱tinac ut chixtzˈilbal rix chi ribileb rib li cˈaˈru quicˈulman, li Jesús quijiloc riqˈuineb ut qui‑oc chi be̱c rochbeneb. 16 Usta queˈril ru, abanan incˈaˈ queˈxnau nak aˈan li Jesús xban nak cuan cˈaˈru quiramoc re chiruheb. 17 Ut li Jesús quixye reheb: ―¿Cˈaˈru chi aj ix yo̱quex chi serakˈic chi ribil e̱rib nak yo̱quex chi be̱c? ¿Cˈaˈut nak ra saˈ e̱chˈo̱l? chan reheb. 18 Jun reheb aˈan, aj Cleofas xcˈabaˈ, quichakˈoc ut quixye: ―Joˈ li caˈaj cuiˈ la̱at li yo̱cat chi numecˈ saˈ li tenamit Jerusalén li incˈaˈ nacatnaˈoc re li cˈaˈru xcˈulman saˈ eb li cutan aˈin, chan. 19 Ut li Jesús quixye reheb: ―¿Cˈaˈru anchal aˈan? chan. Eb aˈan queˈxye re: ―Chirix li Jesús aj Nazaret. Aˈan profeta nak quicuan. Nim xcuanquil. Cha̱bil quixba̱nu ut cha̱bil quixye chiru li Dios ut chiruheb li tenamit. 20 Eb li xbe̱nil aj tij ut eb li nequeˈtaklan saˈ kabe̱n queˈxkˈaxtesi chi camsi̱c ut queˈxqˈue chiru cruz. 21 Aˈan raj li ta̱colok re li katenamit Israel saˈ kachˈo̱l. Abanan anakcuan ac oxib cutan xcˈulbal aˈan. 22 Xsach kachˈo̱l chirabinquil li cˈaˈru xeˈxye ke li ixk li xeˈcuulac saˈ li mukleba̱l toj ekˈela. 23 Xban nak incˈaˈ xeˈxtau li camenak, xeˈsukˈi saˈ cab ut xeˈxye ke nak cuib li ángel xeˈxcˈutbesi rib chiruheb ut xeˈxye reheb nak yoˈyo li Jesús. 24 Ut cuanqueb ajcuiˈ kacomon xeˈcuulac chak saˈ li mukleba̱l ut xeˈril nak ya̱l li xeˈxye li ixk. Abanan incˈaˈ xeˈril ru li Jesús, chan laj Cleofas. 25 Ut li Jesús quixye reheb: ―¡La̱ex ma̱cˈaˈ e̱naˈleb ut a̱l le̱ chˈo̱l chixpa̱banquil chixjunil li cˈaˈru queˈxye chak li profeta! 26 ¿Ma incˈaˈ ta biˈ tento nak tixcˈul chixjunil li raylal aˈin li Cristo laj Colonel li yechiˈinbil xban li Dios re nak ta̱qˈuehekˈ xlokˈal? chan reheb. 27 Ut quixchˈolob xya̱lal chiruheb chirix li cˈaˈru quixtzˈi̱ba laj Moisés. Quixchˈolob ajcuiˈ li xya̱lal li queˈxtzˈi̱ba chak li profeta chirix li Cristo li yechiˈinbil xban li Dios joˈ tzˈi̱banbil saˈ li Santil Hu. 28 Queˈcuulac saˈ li chˈina tenamit li yo̱queb cuiˈ chi xic. Ut li Jesús quixba̱nu rib nak ti̱c ta̱xic. 29 Abanan eb aˈan queˈrelaji ru re ta̱cana̱k riqˈuineb. Queˈxye re: ―Cana̱kat kiqˈuin xban nak yo̱ chi ecuu̱c. Oc re li kˈojyi̱n, chanqueb re. Ut li Jesús qui‑oc saˈ cab ut quicana riqˈuineb. 30 Nak cˈojcˈo saˈ me̱x rochbeneb, quixchap li caxlan cua, quixbantioxi chiru li Dios, quixjachi ut quixqˈue reheb. 31 Saˈ li ho̱nal aˈan queˈxqˈue retal nak aˈan li Jesús. Ut nak ac xeˈxnau nak aˈan, nak queˈril ac ma̱ ani chic saˈ xya̱nkeb. 32 Ut eb aˈan queˈxye chi ribileb rib: ―Joˈcan peˈ nak yo̱co chak recˈanquil jun sahil chˈo̱lej saˈ ka̱m nak yo̱ chak chika̱tinanquil saˈ be ut nak yo̱ chixchˈolobanquil chiku li naxye saˈ li Santil Hu, chanqueb. 33 Saˈ ajcuiˈ li ho̱nal aˈan queˈsukˈi Jerusalén. Aran queˈxtau li junlaju chi apóstol chˈutchˈu̱queb rochbeneb lix comon. 34 Yo̱queb chixyebal: ―Relic chi ya̱l nak xcuacli cuiˈchic chi yoˈyo li Ka̱cuaˈ xban nak xcˈutbesi rib chiru laj Simón, chanqueb. 35 Tojoˈnak li cuib chi cui̱nk queˈxserakˈi reheb li cˈaˈru quicˈulman saˈ be nak yo̱queb chi xic Emaús. Queˈxye reheb chanru nak queˈxnau ru li Jesús nak quixjachi li caxlan cua.

Li Jesús quixcˈutbesi rib chiruheb lix tzolom

36 Toj yo̱queb ajcuiˈ xserakˈinquil li cˈaˈru queˈxcˈul nak ac xaka̱mil li Jesús saˈ xya̱nkeb ut quixye reheb: ―¡Chicua̱nk taxak li tuktu̱quil usilal e̱riqˈuin! chan reheb. 37 Ut eb aˈan sachso̱queb xchˈo̱l queˈcana ut teˈxucuak. Saˈ xchˈo̱leb aˈan nak ma̱re junak musikˈej yo̱queb chirilbal. 38 Ut li Jesús quixye reheb: ―¿Cˈaˈut nak nequexxucuac? Ut, ¿cˈaˈut nak na‑oc e̱cˈaˈux? 39 La̱in li Jesús. Ilomak li cuok ut li cuukˈ. Chˈeˈomakin re nak te̱qˈue retal nak la̱in tzˈakal. Junak musikˈej, aˈan ma̱cˈaˈ xbakel, chi moco cuan xtibel. Ilomak. La̱in cuan inbakel ut cuan intibel, chan reheb. 40 Ut nak yo̱ chixyebal aˈin, quixcˈut li rok ut li rukˈ chiruheb. 41 Cˈajoˈ nak quisahoˈ saˈ xchˈo̱leb. Abanan toj sachso̱queb xchˈo̱l. Incˈaˈ queˈxnau ma ya̱l li yo̱queb chirilbal malaj ut incˈaˈ. Ut li Jesús quixye reheb: ―¿Ma cuan caˈchˈinak tzacae̱mk e̱riqˈuin? chan reheb. 42 Ut queˈxqˈue re jun jachal li pombil car ut caˈchˈin li xyaˈal cab. 43 Li Jesús quixcˈul ut quixtzaca. 44 Ut quixye reheb: ―Li cˈaˈru xincˈul, aˈan ajcuiˈ li quinserakˈi chak e̱re nak toj cuanquin chak saˈ e̱ya̱nk. Tento nak ta̱tzˈaklok ru chixjunil li tzˈi̱banbil chak retalil chicuix saˈ lix chakˈrab laj Moisés, joˈ ajcuiˈ saˈ lix hu eb li profeta ut saˈ ajcuiˈ li Salmos, chan reheb. 45 Ut quixqˈueheb xnaˈleb re nak teˈxtau ru li tzˈi̱banbil saˈ li Santil Hu. 46 Quixye reheb: ―Joˈcaˈin tzˈi̱banbil chak retalil saˈ li Santil Hu chicuix la̱in: tento nak li Cristo tixcˈul li raylal ut saˈ rox li cutan ta̱cuacli̱k cuiˈchic chi yoˈyo saˈ xya̱nkeb li camenak. 47 Tzˈi̱banbil ajcuiˈ retalil nak ta̱julticama̱nk chiruheb chixjunileb li tenamit nak tento teˈxyotˈ xchˈo̱leb ut teˈxjal xcˈaˈuxeb re ta̱cuyma̱nk ta̱sachma̱nk lix ma̱queb saˈ xcˈabaˈ aˈan. Ta̱ticla̱k xchˈolobanquil arin Jerusalén. 48 La̱ex texyehok resil xban nak la̱ex xex‑abin re ut la̱ex xex‑iloc re chixjunil li cˈaˈak re ru aˈin. 49 Ut la̱in tintakla chak e̱re le̱ ma̱tan li quixyechiˈi lin Yucuaˈ. Abanan cana̱kex arin saˈ li tenamit Jerusalén toj te̱cˈul le̱ cuanquil li ta̱cha̱lk saˈ choxa, chan li Jesús reheb.

Li Jesucristo quicˈameˈ cuiˈchic saˈ choxa xban li Dios

50 Ut li Jesús quixcˈameb toj saˈ li tenamit Betania. Quixtaksi li rukˈ ut quirosobtesiheb. 51 Nak yo̱ chirosobtesinquileb, quirisi rib saˈ xya̱nkeb ut quicˈameˈ takecˈ saˈ choxa. 52 Nak ac xeˈxlokˈoni li Ka̱cuaˈ, eb aˈan queˈsukˈi cuiˈchic Jerusalén chi cˈajoˈ xsahil saˈ xchˈo̱leb. 53 Ut junelic cuanqueb saˈ li templo. Yo̱queb chi bantioxi̱nc ut yo̱queb chixlokˈoninquil li Dios. Joˈcan taxak.

Jesus Has Risen(A)

24 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared(B) and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.(C) While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning(D) stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee:(E) ‘The Son of Man(F) must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’(G) Then they remembered his words.(H)

When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. 10 It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them(I) who told this to the apostles.(J) 11 But they did not believe(K) the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. 12 Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves,(L) and he went away,(M) wondering to himself what had happened.

On the Road to Emmaus

13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles[a] from Jerusalem.(N) 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them;(O) 16 but they were kept from recognizing him.(P)

17 He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?”

They stood still, their faces downcast. 18 One of them, named Cleopas,(Q) asked him, “Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?”

19 “What things?” he asked.

“About Jesus of Nazareth,”(R) they replied. “He was a prophet,(S) powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. 20 The chief priests and our rulers(T) handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him; 21 but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel.(U) And what is more, it is the third day(V) since all this took place. 22 In addition, some of our women amazed us.(W) They went to the tomb early this morning 23 but didn’t find his body. They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. 24 Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but they did not see Jesus.”(X)

25 He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?”(Y) 27 And beginning with Moses(Z) and all the Prophets,(AA) he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.(AB)

28 As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going farther. 29 But they urged him strongly, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them.

30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it(AC) and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him,(AD) and he disappeared from their sight. 32 They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us(AE) while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures(AF) to us?”

33 They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together 34 and saying, “It is true! The Lord(AG) has risen and has appeared to Simon.”(AH) 35 Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.(AI)

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”(AJ)

37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost.(AK) 38 He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see;(AL) a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

40 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. 41 And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it in their presence.(AM)

44 He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you:(AN) Everything must be fulfilled(AO) that is written about me in the Law of Moses,(AP) the Prophets(AQ) and the Psalms.”(AR)

45 Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. 46 He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer(AS) and rise from the dead on the third day,(AT) 47 and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name(AU) to all nations,(AV) beginning at Jerusalem.(AW) 48 You are witnesses(AX) of these things. 49 I am going to send you what my Father has promised;(AY) but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

The Ascension of Jesus

50 When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany,(AZ) he lifted up his hands and blessed them. 51 While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.(BA) 52 Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. 53 And they stayed continually at the temple,(BB) praising God.


  1. Luke 24:13 Or about 11 kilometers

24 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.

And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.

And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.

And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:

And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?

He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,

Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.

And they remembered his words,

And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest.

10 It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles.

11 And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not.

12 Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass.

13 And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

14 And they talked together of all these things which had happened.

15 And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

16 But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

17 And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?

18 And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answering said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days?

19 And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people:

20 And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him.

21 But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

22 Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre;

23 And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive.

24 And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not.

25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?

27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

28 And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.

29 But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

30 And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.

31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

33 And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,

34 Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.

35 And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.

36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.

38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?

39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.

41 And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?

42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.

43 And he took it, and did eat before them.

44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,

46 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:

47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

48 And ye are witnesses of these things.

49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

50 And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.

51 And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.

52 And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:

53 And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.