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Cätzijox ru takanic ri Jesús

20  Pa jun kˈij ri Jesús tajin queutijoj ri winak pa ri nimalaj rachoch Dios, tajin cutzijoj ri Utzalaj Tzij re ri Evangelio chque. Xeopan cˈu ri qui nimakil tak sacerdotes cucˈ ri tijonelab re ri Pixab xukujeˈ ri qui nimakil ri winak. Xquibij cˈu che: ¿Jachin xtakow la chi ri lal cäban la waˈ we riˈ? ¿Jachin lo ri yoˈwinak takanic pa kˈab la chi jeˈ cäban la waˈ? ―xecha che.

Xchˈaw ri Jesús, xubij chque: Ri in xukujeˈ cˈo jas quintaˈ chech alak, ―cächaˈ. Bij alak chwe: ¿Jachin xtakow ri tat Juan chubanic kasnaˈ? ¿A are ri Dios, o are ri winak? ¿Jachin xyoˈw che chi jeˈ cuban waˈ? ―xcha chque.

Xquitzijobela quib, xquibij: We cäkabij chi are ri Dios, ri areˈ cubij na chke chi jas che man xkacoj tä waˈ, ―quechaˈ. We cˈu cäkabij chi xa are ri winak, conojel ri winak cujcaˈn na che abaj. Elinak cˈu chi sak chquiwäch ri winak chi ri tat Juan are kˈalajisal re ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios, ―xecha riˈ.

Xechˈaw chic, xquibij che ri Jesús chi man cäquichˈob tä waˈ chi jachin riˈ ri xyoˈw che ri tat Juan chi cuban kasnaˈ. Xubij cˈu ri Jesús chque: Xukujeˈ ri in man quinbij tä in chech alak jachin ri yoˈwinak chwe chi in quinban waˈ we riˈ, ―xcha ri Jesús chque.

Waral cätzijox wi ri cˈutbal chquij ri ajchaquib ri man e utz taj

Ri Jesús xuchaplej u tzijoxic waˈ we cˈutbal riˈ re tijonic chque ri winak: Cˈo jun achi ri xuban jun ticbal uvas. Xticonijic, xuya cˈu can ri ulew pa kajomal chque jujun tajinelab. Te cˈu riˈ xeˈ naj pa jun tinimit chic, naj xsachic. 10 Xopan cˈu ri kˈij re ru yaquic ri wächinic, xutak bi jun patänil re cucˈ ri ajchaquib rech cäquiya bi niqˈuiaj re ri u wäch ri ticbal uvas. Are cˈu ri ajchaquib xquichˈayo, xquitak bic, man cˈo tä xquiya bi che, ―cächaˈ. 11 Xutak cˈu bi jun u patäninel chic. Xukujeˈ waˈ xquichˈayo, xquetzelaj u wäch, xquitak bic, man cˈo tä xquiya bi che, ―cächaˈ. 12 Churox mul xutak bic jun patänil re cucˈ. Xquisoc waˈ, xukujeˈ xquesaj bi pa ri ticbal uvas, ―cächaˈ.

13 Te cˈu riˈ xuchomaj ri rajaw ri ticbal uvas, xubij: “¿Jas ta cˈu lo quinbano?” ―cächaˈ. “Quintak na bic ri lokˈalaj nu cˈojol. Craj ne nim cäquil wi ri areˈ aretak cäquilo,” ―xcha riˈ. 14 Ri ajchaquib, aretak xquilo, xquichˈabej quib, xquibij: “¡Chawilampeˈ! Are waˈ ri quechben na ronojel,” ―quechaˈ. “Chixsaˈj, kacämisaj ri achi rech cäkechbej na waˈ we ulew riˈ,” ―xecha riˈ. 15 Xquesaj cˈu bi ru cˈojol ri ajchakˈel ri ticbal uvas, xquicämisaj cˈut, ―xcha ri Jesús chque.

Te riˈ xutaˈ ri Jesús chque, xubij: ¿Jas cˈu cuban na ri rajaw ri ticbal uvas chque? ―cächa riˈ. 16 Cäpe na ri areˈ, queucämisaj na ri ajchaquib riˈ, cuya na ri rulew chque juleˈ chic, ―xcha ri Jesús chque.

Aretak xquita waˈ, xquibij ri winak: ¡Ay, mäbantaj waˈ! ―xecha che.

17 Xcaˈy cˈu ri Jesús chque, xubij: ¿Jas quel cubij waˈ ri tzˈibam canok pa ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios? cubij:
    Ri abaj ri man xcaj tä ri yacal tak ja,
    we abaj riˈ are xcoj che tokˈebal
re ri ja, ―cächa ri Tzˈibtalic, ―xcha ri Jesús. 18 Ronojel winak jachin ri cätzak puwiˈ ri abaj riˈ, cäsoctaj na. We cˈu cätzak we abaj riˈ chrij jun, cucˈäjij na, ―xcha chque.

Waral cäkil wi we rajwaxic u tojic ri alcabal

19 Ri tijonelab re ri Pixab cucˈ ri qui nimakil sacerdotes aj Israel xquichaplej u tzucuxic jas cäcaˈn chuchapic ri Jesús pa ri hora riˈ, xquixej cˈu quib chquiwäch ri winak. Xquichˈob cˈut chi ri cˈutbal riˈ, xtzijox waˈ chquij ri e areˈ. 20 Xcaluchij ri Jesús, xequitak bi winak chuyuxlexic. Ri winak riˈ xcaˈn che quib chi e utzalaj tak winak rech cäquirik jun tzij pu chiˈ ri Jesús rech cäquijach bi ri Areˈ pu kˈab ri kˈatal tzij, cäkˈat cˈu na tzij puwiˈ. 21 Rumal waˈ xquicˈot u chiˈ ri Jesús, xquibij: Ajtij, ketam chi utz waˈ ri cätzijon la xukujeˈ rucˈ jicomal cätijon la. Ketam cˈut chi man nim tä quil la jun winak chuwäch jun chic. Xane cäcˈut la ri kas u rayinic ri Dios, ―quecha che. 22 ¿A rajwaxic cäkatoj alcabal che ri nimalaj takanel aj Roma? We ne man rajwaxic taj, ―xecha che.

23 Xretamaxtaj cˈu ri Jesús ri qui chomanic, xubij chque: ¿Jas che cätaˈ alak waˈ chwe? 24 Cˈutu baˈ alak jun puak chnuwäch, ―cächa chque. ¿Jachin cˈu rech we caˈyebal riˈ xukujeˈ ri biˈaj riˈ ri cˈo chuwäch ri puak? ―xcha ri Jesús.

Xechˈaw chi na ri winak, xquibij che: Are rech ri César ri nimalaj takanel, ―xecha che.

25 Xubij cˈu ri Jesús chque: Ya alak che ri tat César ri rech ri César. Ya baˈ alak che ri Dios ri rech ri Dios, ―xcha chque.

26 Man cˈo tä cˈu jun tzij xecowin churikic pu chiˈ ri Jesús ri xkaj ta wi pa qui kˈab chquiwäch ri winak. Xane xquicajmaj ri xubij ri Jesús chque, man xechˈaw tä cˈu chic.

Waral cätzijox wi jubikˈ chrij ri cˈastajibal chquixol ri cäminakib

27 Xeopan cˈu jujun chque ri tataˈib saduceos, ri cäquibij chi man quecˈastaj tä chi na ri cäminakib. Ri tataˈib riˈ xquicˈot u chiˈ ri Jesús.

28 Xquibij che: Ajtij, tzˈibam can chke rumal ri ka mam Moisés chi we cäcäm jun achi, cˈo cˈu can rixokil, man e cˈo tä cˈu can ralcˈual chrij areˈ, rajwaxic chi ri rachalal ri cäminak cäcˈuli rucˈ ri ixok malcaˈn riˈ rech quecˈoji can ralcˈual rucˈ. Ri acˈalab ri quil qui wäch jeˈ ta ne e rech ri cäminak, ―quechaˈ. 29 Xquibij cˈut: E cˈo wukub achijab cachalal quib. Ri nabeal xcˈuliˈc, xcäm cˈut, man xcˈoji tä can ralcˈual rucˈ ri rixokil. 30 Ri ucab xcˈuli rucˈ ri rixnam malcaˈn, xukujeˈ xcäm bic, man xcˈoji tä can ralcˈual rucˈ. 31 Ri urox xukujeˈ xcˈuli rucˈ ri malcaˈn. Je cˈu riˈ xcaˈn ri wukub achijab chquijujunal, xecämic, man xecˈoji tä can calcˈual. 32 Qˈuisbal cˈut xcäm ri ixok, ―quechaˈ. 33 Aretak cˈut quecˈastaj chi ri cäminakib, ¿jachin lo chque ri wukub achijab riˈ cäcˈoji na che rachajil ri chichuˈ? Xoc cˈu che quixokil ri wukub, ―xecha che ri Jesús.

34 Xchˈaw chi ri Jesús, xubij chque: Ri winak ajuwächulew quecˈuliˈc, cäquiya ri calcˈual pa cˈulanem. 35 Ri winak ri yaˈtal chque chi quecˈastaj bic chquixol ri cäminakib, xukujeˈ chi cäcˈoji qui cˈaslemal ri man cäqˈuis taj, man quecˈuli tä chic, man queyiˈ tä cˈu che cˈulanem, ―cächaˈ. 36 E junam chic jas ri ángeles. Man quecowin tä chic quecämic. E are cˈu ralcˈual ri Dios waˈ, ri e cˈastajinak chic chquixol ri cäminakib, ―cächaˈ. 37 Ri ka mam Moisés xutzijoj chi ri cäminakib quecˈastaj na, ―cächaˈ. Are waˈ ri cukˈalajisaj ri tzij ri xutzˈibaj chrij ri qˈuix ri cäcˈatic. Chilaˈ cˈut cubij wi xukujeˈ chi ri Kajaw Dios are ri u Dios ri ka mam Abraham, u Dios ri ka mam Isaac, u Dios ri ka mam Jacob, ―cächaˈ. 38 Ri Dios cˈut, man are tä Dios quech cäminakib, xane quech ri winak ri e cˈascˈoj. Ri e cˈaslic, e cˈascˈoj cˈu waˈ rumal ri Dios, ―xcha ri Jesús chque.

39 Xechˈaw chi na jujun chque ri tijonelab re ri Pixab, xquibij: Ajtij, kas utz ri bim la, ―xecha che.

40 Man xquichajij tä chi cˈu animaˈ chucˈotic u chiˈ ri Jesús jumul chic.

Cätzijox chi jachin riˈ ru Tat ri Cristo

41 Xubij cˈu ri Jesús chque: ¿Jas che cäbixic chi ri Cristo are ralcˈual can ri ka mam David? 42 Are cˈu ri ka mam David cubij pa ri wuj Salmos:

Xubij ri Kajaw Dios che ri Wajaw:
“Chattˈuyul pa nu wiquiäkˈab
43 cˈä quinya na chawe chi catchˈacanic,
cattakan cˈu na pa qui wiˈ
ri cäcaˈn qui cˈulel chawe,” ―cächaˈ. 44 We ri ka mam David cubij Wajaw che, ¿jas ta cˈu che cäbij alak chi are xa ralcˈual can ri ka mam David? ―xcha ri Jesús chque.

Ri Jesús queutzujuj ri tijonelab re ri Pixab

45 Conojel ri winak xetowic aretak xubij waˈ chque ru tijoxelab. 46 Je waˈ xubij: Chichajij iwib chquiwäch ri tijonelab re ri Pixab. Cäkaj chquiwäch quebinicat pa chärchäk tak catzˈiak. Xukujeˈ jeˈl cäquilo, nim cˈu queil wi ri cäyiˈ rutzil qui wäch pa tak ri cˈayibal. Cäquitzucuj cˈu ri tˈuyulibal ri nim qui banic pa tak ri rachoch Dios, xukujeˈ ri tˈuyulibal ri nim queil wi pa tak ulaˈnem, ―cächa chque. 47 Xukujeˈ cäquitokij tak ri cachoch ri ixokib malcaˈnib. Te riˈ cäquiyuk rakan ri qui tzij aretak cäcaˈn orar rech man kˈalaj tä ri etzelal ri cäcaˈno. Kas nim na ri cˈäx cäquirik na ri tijonelab re ri Pixab aretak cäkˈat tzij pa qui wiˈ, ―xcha ri Jesús.

The Authority of Jesus Questioned(A)

20 One day as Jesus was teaching the people in the temple courts(B) and proclaiming the good news,(C) the chief priests and the teachers of the law, together with the elders, came up to him. “Tell us by what authority you are doing these things,” they said. “Who gave you this authority?”(D)

He replied, “I will also ask you a question. Tell me: John’s baptism(E)—was it from heaven, or of human origin?”

They discussed it among themselves and said, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will ask, ‘Why didn’t you believe him?’ But if we say, ‘Of human origin,’ all the people(F) will stone us, because they are persuaded that John was a prophet.”(G)

So they answered, “We don’t know where it was from.”

Jesus said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.”

The Parable of the Tenants(H)

He went on to tell the people this parable: “A man planted a vineyard,(I) rented it to some farmers and went away for a long time.(J) 10 At harvest time he sent a servant to the tenants so they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard. But the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed. 11 He sent another servant, but that one also they beat and treated shamefully and sent away empty-handed. 12 He sent still a third, and they wounded him and threw him out.

13 “Then the owner of the vineyard said, ‘What shall I do? I will send my son, whom I love;(K) perhaps they will respect him.’

14 “But when the tenants saw him, they talked the matter over. ‘This is the heir,’ they said. ‘Let’s kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.’ 15 So they threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

“What then will the owner of the vineyard do to them? 16 He will come and kill those tenants(L) and give the vineyard to others.”

When the people heard this, they said, “God forbid!”

17 Jesus looked directly at them and asked, “Then what is the meaning of that which is written:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone’[a]?(M)

18 Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”(N)

19 The teachers of the law and the chief priests looked for a way to arrest him(O) immediately, because they knew he had spoken this parable against them. But they were afraid of the people.(P)

Paying Taxes to Caesar(Q)

20 Keeping a close watch on him, they sent spies, who pretended to be sincere. They hoped to catch Jesus in something he said,(R) so that they might hand him over to the power and authority of the governor.(S) 21 So the spies questioned him: “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is right, and that you do not show partiality but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth.(T) 22 Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

23 He saw through their duplicity and said to them, 24 “Show me a denarius. Whose image and inscription are on it?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied.

25 He said to them, “Then give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s,(U) and to God what is God’s.”

26 They were unable to trap him in what he had said there in public. And astonished by his answer, they became silent.

The Resurrection and Marriage(V)

27 Some of the Sadducees,(W) who say there is no resurrection,(X) came to Jesus with a question. 28 “Teacher,” they said, “Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother.(Y) 29 Now there were seven brothers. The first one married a woman and died childless. 30 The second 31 and then the third married her, and in the same way the seven died, leaving no children. 32 Finally, the woman died too. 33 Now then, at the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?”

34 Jesus replied, “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35 But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come(Z) and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, 36 and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children,(AA) since they are children of the resurrection. 37 But in the account of the burning bush, even Moses showed that the dead rise, for he calls the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’[b](AB) 38 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.”

39 Some of the teachers of the law responded, “Well said, teacher!” 40 And no one dared to ask him any more questions.(AC)

Whose Son Is the Messiah?(AD)

41 Then Jesus said to them, “Why is it said that the Messiah is the son of David?(AE) 42 David himself declares in the Book of Psalms:

“‘The Lord said to my Lord:
    “Sit at my right hand
43 until I make your enemies
    a footstool for your feet.”’[c](AF)

44 David calls him ‘Lord.’ How then can he be his son?”

Warning Against the Teachers of the Law

45 While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, 46 “Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets.(AG) 47 They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.”


  1. Luke 20:17 Psalm 118:22
  2. Luke 20:37 Exodus 3:6
  3. Luke 20:43 Psalm 110:1