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13 Y dydd hwnnw yr aeth yr Iesu allan o’r tŷ, ac yr eisteddodd wrth lan y môr. A thorfeydd lawer a ymgynullasant ato ef, fel yr aeth efe i’r llong, ac yr eisteddodd: a’r holl dyrfa a safodd ar y lan. Ac efe a lefarodd wrthynt lawer o bethau trwy ddamhegion, gan ddywedyd, Wele, yr heuwr a aeth allan i hau. Ac fel yr oedd efe yn hau, peth a syrthiodd ar fin y ffordd; a’r adar a ddaethant, ac a’i difasant. Peth arall a syrthiodd ar greigleoedd, lle ni chawsant fawr ddaear: ac yn y man yr eginasant, gan nad oedd iddynt ddyfnder daear: Ac wedi codi yr haul, y poethasant; ac am nad oedd ganddynt wreiddyn, hwy a wywasant. A pheth arall a syrthiodd ymhlith y drain; a’r drain a godasant, ac a’u tagasant hwy. Peth arall hefyd a syrthiodd mewn tir da, ac a ddygasant ffrwyth, peth ar ei ganfed, arall ar ei dri ugeinfed, arall ar ei ddegfed ar hugain. Y neb sydd ganddo glustiau i wrando, gwrandawed. 10 A daeth y disgyblion, ac a ddywedasant wrtho, Paham yr wyt ti yn llefaru wrthynt trwy ddamhegion? 11 Ac efe a atebodd ac a ddywedodd wrthynt, Am roddi i chwi wybod dirgelion teyrnas nefoedd, ac ni roddwyd iddynt hwy. 12 Oblegid pwy bynnag sydd ganddo, i hwnnw y rhoddir, ac efe a gaiff helaethrwydd: eithr pwy bynnag nid oes ganddo, oddi arno ef y dygir, ie, yr hyn sydd ganddo. 13 Am hynny yr ydwyf yn llefaru wrthynt hwy ar ddamhegion: canys a hwy yn gweled, nid ydynt yn gweled; ac yn clywed, nid ydynt yn clywed, nac yn deall. 14 Ac ynddynt hwy y cyflawnir proffwydoliaeth Eseias, yr hon sydd yn dywedyd, Gan glywed y clywch, ac ni ddeellwch; ac yn gweled y gwelwch, ac ni chanfyddwch; 15 Canys brasawyd calon y bobl hyn, a hwy a glywsant â’u clustiau yn drwm, ac a gaeasant eu llygaid; rhag canfod â’u llygaid, a chlywed â’u clustiau, a deall â’r galon, a throi, ac i mi eu hiacháu hwynt. 16 Eithr dedwydd yw eich llygaid chwi, am eu bod yn gweled; a’ch clustiau, am eu bod yn clywed: 17 Oblegid yn wir y dywedaf i chwi, chwenychu o lawer o broffwydi a rhai cyfiawn weled y pethau a welwch chwi, ac nis gwelsant; a chlywed yr hyn a glywch chwi, ac nis clywsant.

18 Gwrandewch chwithau gan hynny ddameg yr heuwr. 19 Pan glywo neb air y deyrnas, ac heb ei ddeall, y mae’r drwg yn dyfod, ac yn cipio’r hyn a heuwyd yn ei galon ef. Dyma’r hwn a heuwyd ar fin y ffordd. 20 A’r hwn a heuwyd ar y creigleoedd, yw’r hwn sydd yn gwrando’r gair, ac yn ebrwydd trwy lawenydd yn ei dderbyn; 21 Ond nid oes ganddo wreiddyn ynddo ei hun, eithr dros amser y mae: a phan ddelo gorthrymder neu erlid oblegid y gair, yn y fan efe a rwystrir. 22 A’r hwn a heuwyd ymhlith y drain, yw’r hwn sydd yn gwrando’r gair; ac y mae gofal y byd hwn, a thwyll cyfoeth, yn tagu’r gair, ac y mae yn myned yn ddiffrwyth. 23 Ond yr hwn a heuwyd yn y tir da, yw’r hwn sydd yn gwrando’r gair, ac yn ei ddeall; sef yr hwn sydd yn ffrwytho, ac yn dwyn peth ei ganfed, arall ei dri ugeinfed, arall ei ddegfed ar hugain.

24 Dameg arall a osododd efe iddynt, gan ddywedyd, Teyrnas nefoedd sydd gyffelyb i ddyn a heuodd had da yn ei faes: 25 A thra oedd y dynion yn cysgu, daeth ei elyn ef, ac a heuodd efrau ymhlith y gwenith, ac a aeth ymaith. 26 Ac wedi i’r eginyn dyfu, a dwyn ffrwyth, yna yr ymddangosodd yr efrau hefyd. 27 A gweision gŵr y tŷ a ddaethant, ac a ddywedasant wrtho, Arglwydd, oni heuaist ti had da yn dy faes? o ba le gan hynny y mae’r efrau ynddo? 28 Yntau a ddywedodd wrthynt, Y gelyn ddyn a wnaeth hyn. A’r gweision a ddywedasant wrtho, A fynni di gan hynny i ni fyned a’u casglu hwynt? 29 Ac efe a ddywedodd, Na fynnaf; rhag i chwi, wrth gasglu’r efrau, ddiwreiddio’r gwenith gyda hwynt. 30 Gadewch i’r ddau gyd‐dyfu hyd y cynhaeaf: ac yn amser y cynhaeaf y dywedaf wrth y medelwyr, Cesglwch yn gyntaf yr efrau, a rhwymwch hwynt yn ysgubau i’w llwyr losgi; ond cesglwch y gwenith i’m hysgubor.

31 Dameg arall a osododd efe iddynt, gan ddywedyd, Cyffelyb yw teyrnas nefoedd i ronyn o had mwstard, yr hwn a gymerodd dyn ac a’i heuodd yn ei faes: 32 Yr hwn yn wir sydd leiaf o’r holl hadau; ond wedi iddo dyfu, mwyaf un o’r llysiau ydyw, ac y mae efe yn myned yn bren; fel y mae adar y nef yn dyfod, ac yn nythu yn ei gangau ef.

33 Dameg arall a lefarodd efe wrthynt; Cyffelyb yw teyrnas nefoedd i surdoes, yr hwn a gymerodd gwraig, ac a’i cuddiodd mewn tri phecaid o flawd, hyd oni surodd y cwbl. 34 Hyn oll a lefarodd yr Iesu trwy ddamhegion wrth y torfeydd; ac heb ddameg ni lefarodd efe wrthynt; 35 Fel y cyflawnid yr hyn a ddywedwyd trwy’r proffwyd, gan ddywedyd, Agoraf fy ngenau mewn damhegion; mynegaf bethau cuddiedig er pan seiliwyd y byd.

36 Yna yr anfonodd yr Iesu y torfeydd ymaith, ac yr aeth i’r tŷ: a’i ddisgyblion a ddaethant ato, gan ddywedyd, Eglura i ni ddameg efrau’r maes. 37 Ac efe a atebodd ac a ddywedodd wrthynt, Yr hwn sydd yn hau’r had da, yw Mab y dyn; 38 A’r maes yw’r byd; a’r had da, hwynt‐hwy yw plant y deyrnas; a’r efrau yw plant y drwg; 39 A’r gelyn yr hwn a’u heuodd hwynt, yw diafol; a’r cynhaeaf yw diwedd y byd; a’r medelwyr yw’r angylion. 40 Megis gan hynny y cynullir yr efrau, ac a’u llwyr losgir yn tân; felly y bydd yn niwedd y byd hwn. 41 Mab y dyn a ddenfyn ei angylion, a hwy a gynullant allan o’i deyrnas ef yr holl dramgwyddiadau, a’r rhai a wnânt anwiredd; 42 Ac a’u bwriant hwy i’r ffwrn dân: yno y bydd wylofain a rhincian dannedd. 43 Yna y llewyrcha’r rhai cyfiawn fel yr haul, yn nheyrnas eu Tad. Yr hwn sydd ganddo glustiau i wrando, gwrandawed.

44 Drachefn, cyffelyb yw teyrnas nefoedd i drysor wedi ei guddio mewn maes; yr hwn wedi i ddyn ei gaffael, a’i cuddiodd, ac o lawenydd amdano, sydd yn myned ymaith, ac yn gwerthu’r hyn oll a fedd, ac yn prynu’r maes hwnnw.

45 Drachefn, cyffelyb yw teyrnas nefoedd i farchnatawr, yn ceisio perlau teg: 46 Yr hwn wedi iddo gaffael un perl gwerthfawr, a aeth, ac a werthodd gymaint oll ag a feddai, ac a’i prynodd ef.

47 Drachefn, cyffelyb yw teyrnas nefoedd i rwyd a fwriwyd yn y môr, ac a gasglodd o bob rhyw beth: 48 Yr hon, wedi ei llenwi, a ddygasant i’r lan, ac a eisteddasant, ac a gasglasant y rhai da mewn llestri, ac a fwriasant allan y rhai drwg. 49 Felly y bydd yn niwedd y byd: yr angylion a ânt allan, ac a ddidolant y rhai drwg o blith y rhai cyfiawn, 50 Ac a’u bwriant hwy i’r ffwrn dân: yno y bydd wylofain a rhincian dannedd. 51 Iesu a ddywedodd wrthynt, A ddarfu i chwi ddeall hyn oll? Hwythau a ddywedasant wrtho, Do, Arglwydd. 52 A dywedodd yntau wrthynt, Am hynny pob ysgrifennydd wedi ei ddysgu i deyrnas nefoedd, sydd debyg i ddyn o berchen tŷ, yr hwn sydd yn dwyn allan o’i drysor bethau newydd a hen.

53 A bu, wedi i’r Iesu orffen y damhegion hyn, efe a ymadawodd oddi yno. 54 Ac efe a ddaeth i’w wlad ei hun, ac a’u dysgodd hwynt yn eu synagog; fel y synnodd arnynt, ac y dywedasant, O ba le y daeth y doethineb hwn, a’r gweithredoedd nerthol i’r dyn hwn? 55 Onid hwn yw mab y saer? onid Mair y gelwir ei fam ef? a Iago, a Joses, a Simon, a Jwdas, ei frodyr ef? 56 Ac onid yw ei chwiorydd ef oll gyda ni? o ba le gan hynny y mae gan hwn y pethau hyn oll? 57 A hwy a rwystrwyd ynddo ef. A’r Iesu a ddywedodd wrthynt, Nid yw proffwyd heb anrhydedd, ond yn ei wlad ei hun, ac yn ei dŷ ei hun. 58 Ac ni wnaeth efe nemor o weithredoedd nerthol yno, oblegid eu hanghrediniaeth hwynt.

The Parable of the Sower(A)(B)(C)

13 That same day Jesus went out of the house(D) and sat by the lake. Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat(E) and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred,(F) sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.”(G)

10 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”

11 He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven(H) has been given to you,(I) but not to them. 12 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.(J) 13 This is why I speak to them in parables:

“Though seeing, they do not see;
    though hearing, they do not hear or understand.(K)

14 In them is fulfilled(L) the prophecy of Isaiah:

“‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
    you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
15 For this people’s heart has become calloused;
    they hardly hear with their ears,
    and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
    hear with their ears,
    understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.’[a](M)

16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.(N) 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see(O) but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

18 “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom(P) and does not understand it, the evil one(Q) comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.(R) 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth(S) choke the word, making it unfruitful. 23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”(T)

The Parable of the Weeds

24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like(U) a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”(V)

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast(W)(X)

31 He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like(Y) a mustard seed,(Z) which a man took and planted in his field. 32 Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”(AA)

33 He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like(AB) yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds[b] of flour(AC) until it worked all through the dough.”(AD)

34 Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable.(AE) 35 So was fulfilled(AF) what was spoken through the prophet:

“I will open my mouth in parables,
    I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.”[c](AG)

The Parable of the Weeds Explained

36 Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable(AH) of the weeds in the field.”

37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man.(AI) 38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one,(AJ) 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest(AK) is the end of the age,(AL) and the harvesters are angels.(AM)

40 “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man(AN) will send out his angels,(AO) and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.(AP) 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun(AQ) in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.(AR)

The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl

44 “The kingdom of heaven is like(AS) treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.(AT)

45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like(AU) a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

The Parable of the Net

47 “Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like(AV) a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds(AW) of fish. 48 When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. 49 This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous(AX) 50 and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.(AY)

51 “Have you understood all these things?” Jesus asked.

“Yes,” they replied.

52 He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”

A Prophet Without Honor(AZ)

53 When Jesus had finished these parables,(BA) he moved on from there. 54 Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue,(BB) and they were amazed.(BC) “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. 55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?(BD) Isn’t his mother’s(BE) name Mary, and aren’t his brothers(BF) James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? 56 Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” 57 And they took offense(BG) at him.

But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.”(BH)

58 And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.


  1. Matthew 13:15 Isaiah 6:9,10 (see Septuagint)
  2. Matthew 13:33 Or about 27 kilograms
  3. Matthew 13:35 Psalm 78:2