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13 A’r Arglwydd a lefarodd wrth Moses ac Aaron, gan ddywedyd, Dyn (pan fyddo yng nghroen ei gnawd chwydd, neu gramen, neu ddisgleirder, a bod yng nghroen ei gnawd ef megis pla’r clwyf gwahanol,) a ddygir at Aaron yr offeiriad, neu at un o’i feibion ef yr offeiriaid. A’r offeiriad a edrych ar y pla yng nghroen y cnawd: os y blewyn yn y pla fydd wedi troi yn wyn, a gwelediad y pla yn ddyfnach na chroen ei gnawd ef; pla gwahanglwyf yw hwnnw: a’r offeiriad a’i hedrych, ac a’i barn yn aflan. Ond os y disgleirdeb fydd gwyn yng nghroen ei gnawd ef, ac heb fod yn is ei welediad na’r croen, a’i flewyn heb droi yn wyn; yna caeed yr offeiriad ar y clwyfus saith niwrnod. A’r seithfed dydd edryched yr offeiriad ef: ac wele, os sefyll y bydd y pla yn ei olwg ef, heb ledu o’r pla yn y croen; yna caeed yr offeiriad arno saith niwrnod eilwaith. Ac edryched yr offeiriad ef yr ail seithfed dydd: ac wele, os bydd y pla yn odywyll, heb ledu o’r pla yn y croen; yna barned yr offeiriad ef yn lân: cramen yw honno: yna golched ei wisgoedd a glân fydd. Ac os y gramen gan ledu a leda yn y croen, wedi i’r offeiriad ei weled, i’w farnu yn lân; dangoser ef eilwaith i’r offeiriad. Ac os gwêl yr offeiriad, ac wele, ledu o’r gramen yn y croen; yna barned yr offeiriad ef yn aflan: gwahanglwyf yw.

Pan fyddo ar ddyn bla gwahanglwyf, dyger ef at yr offeiriad; 10 Ac edryched yr offeiriad: yna, os chwydd gwyn a fydd yn y croen, a hwnnw wedi troi’r blewyn yn wyn, a dim cig noeth byw yn y chwydd; 11 Hen wahanglwyf yw hwnnw yng nghroen ei gnawd ef; a barned yr offeiriad ef yn aflan: na chaeed arno; oherwydd y mae efe yn aflan. 12 Ond os y gwahanglwyf gan darddu a dardda yn y croen, a gorchuddio o’r gwahanglwyf holl groen y clwyfus, o’i ben hyd ei draed, pa le bynnag yr edrycho’r offeiriad; 13 Yna edryched yr offeiriad: ac wele, os y gwahanglwyf fydd yn cuddio ei holl gnawd ef; yna barned yr offeiriad y clwyfus yn lân: trodd yn wyn i gyd: glân yw. 14 A’r dydd y gwelir ynddo gig byw, aflan fydd. 15 Yna edryched yr offeiriad ar y cig byw, a barned ef yn aflan: aflan yw y cig byw hwnnw; gwahanglwyf yw. 16 Neu os dychwel y cig byw, a throi yn wyn; yna deued at yr offeiriad: 17 Ac edryched yr offeiriad arno: ac wele, os trodd y pla yn wyn; yna barned yr offeiriad y clwyfus yn lân: glân yw efe.

18 Y cnawd hefyd y bu ynddo gornwyd yn ei groen, a’i iacháu; 19 A bod yn lle y cornwyd chwydd gwyn, neu ddisgleirder gwyngoch, a’i ddangos i’r offeiriad: 20 Os, pan edrycho yr offeiriad arno, y gwelir ef yn is na’r croen, a’i flewyn wedi troi yn wyn; yna barned yr offeiriad ef yn aflan: gwahanglwyf yw efe wedi tarddu o’r cornwyd. 21 Ond os yr offeiriad a’i hedrych; ac wele, ni bydd ynddo flewyn gwyn, ac ni bydd is na’r croen, ond ei fod yn odywyll; yna caeed yr offeiriad arno saith niwrnod. 22 Ac os gan ledu y lleda yn y croen; yna barned yr offeiriad ef yn aflan: pla yw efe. 23 Ond os y disgleirder a saif yn ei le, heb ymledu, craith cornwyd yw efe; a barned yr offeiriad ef yn lân.

24 Os cnawd fydd â llosgiad yn y croen, a bod i’r cig byw sydd yn llosgi, ddisgleirder gwyngoch, neu wyn; 25 Yna edryched yr offeiriad ef: ac wele, os blewyn yn y disgleirdeb fydd wedi troi yn wyn, ac yn is i’w weled na’r croen; gwahanglwyf yw hwnnw yn tarddu o’r llosgiad; a barned yr offeiriad ef yn aflan: pla gwahanglwyf yw hwnnw. 26 Ond os yr offeiriad a’i hedrych; ac wele, ni bydd blewyn gwyn yn y disgleirder, ac ni bydd is na’r croen, ond ei fod yn odywyll; yna caeed yr offeiriad arno saith niwrnod. 27 Ac edryched yr offeiriad ef y seithfed dydd: os gan ledu y lledodd yn y croen; yna barned yr offeiriad ef yn aflan: pla gwahanglwyf yw hwnnw. 28 Ac os y disgleirdeb a saif yn ei le, heb ledu yn y croen, ond ei fod yn odywyll; chwydd y llosgiad yw efe; barned yr offeiriad ef yn lân: canys craith y llosgiad yw hwnnw.

29 Os bydd gŵr neu wraig â phla arno mewn pen neu farf; 30 Yna edryched yr offeiriad y pla: ac wele, os is y gwelir na’r croen, a blewyn melyn main ynddo; yna barned yr offeiriad ef yn aflan: y ddufrech yw hwnnw; gwahanglwyf pen neu farf yw. 31 Ac os yr offeiriad a edrych ar bla’r ddufrech; ac wele, ni bydd yn is ei weled na’r croen, ac heb flewyn du ynddo; yna caeed yr offeiriad ar yr hwn y bo arno y ddufrech, saith niwrnod. 32 Ac edryched yr offeiriad ar y pla y seithfed dydd: ac wele, os y ddufrech ni bydd wedi lledu, ac ni bydd blewyn melyn ynddi, a heb fod yn is gweled y ddufrech na’r croen; 33 Yna eillier ef, ac nac eillied y fan y byddo y ddufrech; a chaeed yr offeiriad ar berchen y ddufrech saith niwrnod eilwaith. 34 A’r seithfed dydd edryched yr offeiriad ar y ddufrech: ac wele, os y ddufrech ni ledodd yn y croen, ac ni bydd is ei gweled na’r croen; yna barned yr offeiriad ef yn lân, a golched ei ddillad, a glân fydd. 35 Ond os y ddufrech gan ledu a leda yn y croen, wedi ei lanhau ef; 36 Yna edryched yr offeiriad ef: ac wele, os lledodd y ddufrech yn y croen, na chwilied yr offeiriad am y blewyn melyn: y mae efe yn aflan. 37 Ond os sefyll y bydd y ddufrech yn ei olwg ef, a blewyn du wedi tyfu ynddi; aeth y ddufrech yn iach, glân yw hwnnw; a barned yr offeiriad ef yn lân.

38 Os bydd yng nghroen cnawd gŵr neu wraig lawer o ddisglair fannau gwynion; 39 Yna edryched yr offeiriad: ac wele, os bydd yng nghroen eu cnawd hwynt ddisgleiriadau gwynion wedi gordduo; brychni yw hynny yn tarddu yn y croen: glân yw efe. 40 A gŵr pan syrthio gwallt ei ben, moel yw; eto glân fydd. 41 Ac os o du ei wyneb y syrth gwallt ei ben, efe a fydd talfoel; eto glân fydd efe. 42 Ond pan fyddo anafod gwyngoch yn y penfoeledd neu yn y talfoeledd; gwahanglwyf yw efe yn tarddu yn ei benfoeledd, neu yn ei dalfoeledd ef. 43 Ac edryched yr offeiriad arno: ac wele, os bydd chwydd yr anafod yn wyngoch, yn ei benfoeledd, neu yn ei dalfoeledd ef, fel gwelediad gwahanglwyf yng nghroen y cnawd; 44 Gŵr gwahanglwyfus yw hwnnw, aflan yw; a’r offeiriad a’i barna ef yn llwyr aflan: yn ei ben y mae ei bla. 45 A’r gwahanglwyfus yr hwn y byddo pla arno, bydded ei wisgoedd ef wedi rhwygo, a’i ben yn noeth, a rhodded gaead ar ei wefus uchaf, a llefed, Aflan, aflan. 46 Yr holl ddyddiau y byddo y pla arno, bernir ef yn aflan: aflan yw efe: triged ei hunan; bydded ei drigfa allan o’r gwersyll.

47 Ac os dilledyn fydd â phla gwahanglwyf ynddo, o ddilledyn gwlân, neu o ddilledyn llin, 48 Pa un bynnag ai yn yr ystof, ai yn yr anwe, o lin, neu o wlân, neu mewn croen, neu mewn dim a wnaed o groen; 49 Os gwyrddlas neu goch fydd yr anafod yn y dilledyn, neu yn y croen, neu yn yr ystof, neu yn yr anwe, neu mewn dim o groen: pla’r gwahanglwyf yw efe; a dangoser ef i’r offeiriad. 50 Ac edryched yr offeiriad ar y pla; a chaeed ar y peth y bo y pla arno, saith niwrnod. 51 A’r seithfed dydd edryched ar y pla: os y pla a ledodd yn y dilledyn, pa un bynnag ai mewn ystof, ai mewn anwe, ai mewn croen, neu beth bynnag a wnaed o groen; gwahanglwyf ysol yw y pla; aflan yw. 52 Am hynny llosged y dilledyn hwnnw, pa un bynnag ai ystof, ai anwe, o wlân, neu o lin, neu ddim o groen, yr hwn y byddo pla ynddo: canys gwahanglwyf ysol yw efe; llosger yn tân. 53 Ac os edrych yr offeiriad; ac wele, ni ledodd y pla mewn dilledyn, mewn ystof, neu mewn anwe, neu ddim o groen; 54 Yna gorchmynned yr offeiriad iddynt olchi yr hyn y byddo y pla ynddo, a chaeed arno saith niwrnod eilwaith. 55 Ac edryched yr offeiriad ar y pla wedi ei olchi: ac wele, os y pla ni throdd ei liw, ac ni ledodd y pla; efe a fydd aflan; llosg ef yn tân; ysiad yw, pa un bynnag y bo yn llwm ai o’r tu mewn ai o’r tu allan. 56 Ac os edrych yr offeiriad; ac wele’r pla yn odywyll, ar ôl ei olchi; yna torred ef allan o’r dilledyn, neu o’r croen, neu o’r ystof, neu o’r anwe. 57 Ond os gwelir ef eto yn y dilledyn, yn yr ystof, neu yn yr anwe, neu mewn dim o groen; tarddu y mae efe: llosg yr hwn y mae y pla ynddo yn tân. 58 A’r dilledyn, neu yr ystof, neu yr anwe, neu pa beth bynnag o groen, y rhai a olcher, os ymadawodd y pla â hwynt, a olchir eilwaith; a glân fydd. 59 Dyma gyfraith pla gwahanglwyf, mewn dilledyn gwlân, neu lin, mewn ystof, neu anwe, neu pa beth bynnag o groen, i’w farnu yn lân, neu i’w farnu yn aflan.

Regulations About Defiling Skin Diseases

13 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “When anyone has a swelling(A) or a rash or a shiny spot(B) on their skin that may be a defiling skin disease,[a](C) they must be brought to Aaron the priest(D) or to one of his sons[b] who is a priest. The priest is to examine the sore on the skin, and if the hair in the sore has turned white and the sore appears to be more than skin deep, it is a defiling skin disease. When the priest examines that person, he shall pronounce them ceremonially unclean.(E) If the shiny spot(F) on the skin is white but does not appear to be more than skin deep and the hair in it has not turned white, the priest is to isolate the affected person for seven days.(G) On the seventh day(H) the priest is to examine them,(I) and if he sees that the sore is unchanged and has not spread in the skin, he is to isolate them for another seven days. On the seventh day the priest is to examine them again, and if the sore has faded and has not spread in the skin, the priest shall pronounce them clean;(J) it is only a rash. They must wash their clothes,(K) and they will be clean.(L) But if the rash does spread in their skin after they have shown themselves to the priest to be pronounced clean, they must appear before the priest again.(M) The priest is to examine that person, and if the rash has spread in the skin, he shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling skin disease.

“When anyone has a defiling skin disease, they must be brought to the priest. 10 The priest is to examine them, and if there is a white swelling in the skin that has turned the hair white and if there is raw flesh in the swelling, 11 it is a chronic skin disease(N) and the priest shall pronounce them unclean. He is not to isolate them, because they are already unclean.

12 “If the disease breaks out all over their skin and, so far as the priest can see, it covers all the skin of the affected person from head to foot, 13 the priest is to examine them, and if the disease has covered their whole body, he shall pronounce them clean. Since it has all turned white, they are clean. 14 But whenever raw flesh appears on them, they will be unclean. 15 When the priest sees the raw flesh, he shall pronounce them unclean. The raw flesh is unclean; they have a defiling disease.(O) 16 If the raw flesh changes and turns white, they must go to the priest. 17 The priest is to examine them, and if the sores have turned white, the priest shall pronounce the affected person clean;(P) then they will be clean.

18 “When someone has a boil(Q) on their skin and it heals, 19 and in the place where the boil was, a white swelling or reddish-white(R) spot(S) appears, they must present themselves to the priest. 20 The priest is to examine it, and if it appears to be more than skin deep and the hair in it has turned white, the priest shall pronounce that person unclean. It is a defiling skin disease(T) that has broken out where the boil was. 21 But if, when the priest examines it, there is no white hair in it and it is not more than skin deep and has faded, then the priest is to isolate them for seven days. 22 If it is spreading in the skin, the priest shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling disease. 23 But if the spot is unchanged and has not spread, it is only a scar from the boil, and the priest shall pronounce them clean.(U)

24 “When someone has a burn on their skin and a reddish-white or white spot appears in the raw flesh of the burn, 25 the priest is to examine the spot, and if the hair in it has turned white, and it appears to be more than skin deep, it is a defiling disease that has broken out in the burn. The priest shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling skin disease.(V) 26 But if the priest examines it and there is no white hair in the spot and if it is not more than skin deep and has faded, then the priest is to isolate them for seven days.(W) 27 On the seventh day the priest is to examine that person,(X) and if it is spreading in the skin, the priest shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling skin disease. 28 If, however, the spot is unchanged and has not spread in the skin but has faded, it is a swelling from the burn, and the priest shall pronounce them clean; it is only a scar from the burn.(Y)

29 “If a man or woman has a sore on their head(Z) or chin, 30 the priest is to examine the sore, and if it appears to be more than skin deep and the hair in it is yellow and thin, the priest shall pronounce them unclean; it is a defiling skin disease on the head or chin. 31 But if, when the priest examines the sore, it does not seem to be more than skin deep and there is no black hair in it, then the priest is to isolate the affected person for seven days.(AA) 32 On the seventh day the priest is to examine the sore,(AB) and if it has not spread and there is no yellow hair in it and it does not appear to be more than skin deep, 33 then the man or woman must shave themselves, except for the affected area, and the priest is to keep them isolated another seven days. 34 On the seventh day the priest is to examine the sore,(AC) and if it has not spread in the skin and appears to be no more than skin deep, the priest shall pronounce them clean. They must wash their clothes, and they will be clean.(AD) 35 But if the sore does spread in the skin after they are pronounced clean, 36 the priest is to examine them, and if he finds that the sore has spread in the skin, he does not need to look for yellow hair; they are unclean.(AE) 37 If, however, the sore is unchanged so far as the priest can see, and if black hair has grown in it, the affected person is healed. They are clean, and the priest shall pronounce them clean.

38 “When a man or woman has white spots on the skin, 39 the priest is to examine them, and if the spots are dull white, it is a harmless rash that has broken out on the skin; they are clean.

40 “A man who has lost his hair and is bald(AF) is clean. 41 If he has lost his hair from the front of his scalp and has a bald forehead, he is clean. 42 But if he has a reddish-white sore on his bald head or forehead, it is a defiling disease breaking out on his head or forehead. 43 The priest is to examine him, and if the swollen sore on his head or forehead is reddish-white like a defiling skin disease, 44 the man is diseased and is unclean. The priest shall pronounce him unclean because of the sore on his head.

45 “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes,(AG) let their hair be unkempt,[c] cover the lower part of their face(AH) and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’(AI) 46 As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp.(AJ)

Regulations About Defiling Molds

47 “As for any fabric that is spoiled with a defiling mold—any woolen or linen clothing, 48 any woven or knitted material of linen or wool, any leather or anything made of leather— 49 if the affected area in the fabric, the leather, the woven or knitted material, or any leather article, is greenish or reddish, it is a defiling mold and must be shown to the priest.(AK) 50 The priest is to examine the affected area(AL) and isolate the article for seven days. 51 On the seventh day he is to examine it,(AM) and if the mold has spread in the fabric, the woven or knitted material, or the leather, whatever its use, it is a persistent defiling mold; the article is unclean.(AN) 52 He must burn the fabric, the woven or knitted material of wool or linen, or any leather article that has been spoiled; because the defiling mold is persistent, the article must be burned.(AO)

53 “But if, when the priest examines it, the mold has not spread in the fabric, the woven or knitted material, or the leather article, 54 he shall order that the spoiled article be washed. Then he is to isolate it for another seven days. 55 After the article has been washed, the priest is to examine it again, and if the mold has not changed its appearance, even though it has not spread, it is unclean. Burn it, no matter which side of the fabric has been spoiled. 56 If, when the priest examines it, the mold has faded after the article has been washed, he is to tear the spoiled part out of the fabric, the leather, or the woven or knitted material. 57 But if it reappears in the fabric, in the woven or knitted material, or in the leather article, it is a spreading mold; whatever has the mold must be burned. 58 Any fabric, woven or knitted material, or any leather article that has been washed and is rid of the mold, must be washed again. Then it will be clean.”

59 These are the regulations concerning defiling molds in woolen or linen clothing, woven or knitted material, or any leather article, for pronouncing them clean or unclean.


  1. Leviticus 13:2 The Hebrew word for defiling skin disease, traditionally translated “leprosy,” was used for various diseases affecting the skin; here and throughout verses 3-46.
  2. Leviticus 13:2 Or descendants
  3. Leviticus 13:45 Or clothes, uncover their head