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Tej t‑xiˈ Pablo tuˈn tpon tuj Jerusalén

21  Jatztzen taˈ barc, axsen tcyiwel tcub kpaˈn kiiba cyuya tij otk chi ul tuj Mileto, bix ocx koˈya tuj barc. Bix e xiˈ koˈya txucl tuj txˈotxˈ te Cos. Tetzen juntl kˈij kpona tuj txˈotxˈ te Rodas. Kiyˈtla bix e pon koˈya tuj tnom te Patara. Tujtzen Patara e kchˈixbe kiiba tuj juntl barc. Ja tzunj barc e xiˈ kˈinte keya juˈ xiˈnin tuj txˈotxˈ te Fenicia, parte te Siria. Tujtzen be tuj mar e kila txˈotxˈ te Chipre, pero min e weˈ koˈya, sino juˈ ex koˈya tuj kmankˈaba te Chipre. Kˈinx kbeya tejxe kpona tuj txˈotxˈ te Siria. Pero tuˈntzen tcyaj tkˈoˈn barc iktz tuj tnom te Tiro, ttziiˈ mar, bix ocx koˈya jatzewe. Tujtzen Tiro bix e xiˈ kjyoˈna ke ocslal, bix e ten koˈya cyuya wuuk kˈij. Tejtzen cybinte ocslal ka xiˈnin Pablo Jerusalén, bix e cykbaxin te Pablo:

―Taat, nuksama. Miˈn txiˈy tuj Jerusalén. At‑xsen tkaˈyel te tey. O tzaj tkbaˈn Espíritu Santo keya tuˈn miˈn txiˈy―tz̈i tzunkexin te Pablo.

Pero te Pablo min e tcuyaxin, bix etzx koˈya tej wuuk kˈij. Tejtzen ketza, cykilca ke ocslal tuya ke cyxuˈl bix ke cycwal bix e tzajke wabl keya ttxaˈnxe tnom ttziiˈ mar. Tejtzen kpona ttziiˈ mar, bix e cub maje koˈya, bix e naˈn koˈya Dios. Kbajtzen naˈna Dios, bix e kˈolben koˈya. Bix ocx koˈya juntl maj tuj barc, bix ajtz meltzˈaj ke ocslal te Tiro cyja.

Bix ex koˈya tuj barc tejxa kpona tuj tnom te Tolemaida, bix etz koˈya tuj barc. Bix e xiˈ koˈya jyol cye ocslal. E kˈolben koˈya cye, bix e ten koˈya jun kˈij cyuya. Tetzen juntl kˈij bix etz koˈya tuj Tolemaida, bix e xiˈ koˈya tuˈn kkena cubne tuj tnom te Cesarea, jaaˈj najla Felipe, junxin cyxol jwuukxin onel tuj tja Dios otk cub pan tej waabj cyxol viuda te Jerusalén. Ya jatl tzunxin kbalte tpocbal Jesús cye xjal, bix e cyaj koˈya tuya Felipe. Cyaja tmeelxin sortel at. Bix nchi kbantxin tyol Dios otk cyiikˈtxin te Dios, cuma ejeeˈtxin tyolel Dios.

10 E ten koˈya cab kˈij tuya Felipe. Attzen jun kˈij e tzajxin junxin tyolel Dios tuj Judea, bix e ponxin tuj Cesarea. Ttzkiˈnxin ti jilel tuˈn tbaj. Agabo tbi jxin tyolel Dios. 11 Ja tzunj xin Agabo e pon te kˈolbel keya. Tejtzen tponxin, bix el tiiˈnxin tqˈuelbil Pablo. Tuyatzen tqˈuelbil Pablo oca tẍpoˈnxin ke tkˈabxin bix ke tkenxin. Tz̈i tzunxin cyjulu:

―Ma tzaj tkbaˈn Espíritu Santo ka cwel ẍpet jtaaw jqˈuelbil lu, tisenj ma cub wichlaˈna, cyuˈn judío, bix cxeˈl kˈoˈna cye xjal te Roma―tz̈i Agabo.

12 Tejtzen toc kbiˈna kej yol juˈwa, bix oc kcubsaˈna kwitza cyuya ocslal te Cesarea te Pablo tuˈn miˈn txiˈxin Jerusalén. 13 Pero bix aj ttzakˈbeˈn Pablo:

―¿Tikentzen nchi ookˈey bix juˈ cyyole tuˈn tcub cynajsaˈna ncˈuˈj tiiˈn xiˈnin kena? Lu kenwe binne nten tuˈn ncub ẍpet, bix yaaˈn oˈcxj, sino tuyaxa tuˈn ncyim nuk tiˈjcˈa Kman Jesús―tz̈i Pablo keya.

14 Mix e cwaˈ tiˈjxin kuˈna tuˈn miˈn txiˈxin Jerusalén. Cwa tpon baj twiˈ o kyolena tuyaxin, bix e xiˈ kkbaˈna texin:

―¡Nukxna ja t‑xtalbil Dios tuyey!

15 Tbajlenxitltzente kˈolbena tuj Cesarea, bix oc kchmoˈna tikˈch keya, bix e tzyet kbeya Jerusalén. 16 Bix e xiˈ junxin ocslal te Cesarea kuyena tuj kbeya. Tejtzen kpona Jerusalén, bix e xiˈ cyiiˈnxin ejooˈya tja junxin Mnasón tbi, tuˈn kcyaja tjaxin. Jxin Mnasón te txˈotxˈ te Chipre, bix nimxsen tyem toclenxin ocslal.

Tej tjaw ttzyet Pablo tuj templo

17 Bixsen ke ocslal te Jerusalén e cyiikˈ koˈya tuya nim ttz̈yal tej kpona.

18 Tetzen juntl kˈij bix e xiˈ Pablo kuyena te kˈolbel Jacobo, titzˈen Jesús bix jaxin tneel tajwil cye ocslal. Bix tuya Jacobo otk pon cychmoon cyiib ke tajwil ocslal. 19 Kbajxitltzen kˈolbena, bix akˈ Pablo kˈumlte tikˈch otk bint tuˈn Pablo tuˈn tipemal Dios cyxolj xjal yaaˈn judío. 20 Tejtzen toc cybiˈn tawil tja Dios judío kej tpocbal, bix akˈkexin kˈol chjonte te Dios. Pero yajcˈatltzen bix e xiˈ cykbaˈnxin te Pablo:

―Taat, baˈnxsente cyxolj xjal yaaˈn judío at nim ma chi ocslan. Pero attzen jaaˈ toca chˈin. Matzen tzˈoc tcyeˈyena cyxol xjal judío nimxsen mil xjal ma tzˈocslan. Pero kej ocslal judío ncubx cycyiwsan cyiib ka ilx tiˈj tuˈn cyxiˈ lpe tiˈ tley Moisés. 21 Pero kej judío o chi oc ebinte cyxolj xjal judío najl nakch cyxol juntl wik xjal, jatzen tey umlaˈn kbal tej tuˈn miˈn chi oc lpe tiˈ tley Moisés, mitetpe cycostumbre judío, mitetpe il tiˈj tuˈn toc cyechel judío tiˈ twiˈ cytzˈalbil neeˈ cwalxke. 22 Entonces ¿titzen kseˈ? Jax cybiˈxcye ka ma tzul tey tzalu, bix cˈoquel cychmoon cyiib tiˈj cye cyaj. 23 At jun baˈn ttema tuˈn cycub chewex. Bincham jcxeˈl kkbaˈna tey. Keya kxol at cyaja xjal o cyaj cykˈoˈn cyyol twitz Dios cwelx cycˈuˈncye jun cycostumbre judío, bix miˈn cub cymatzoˈn ttzmal cywiˈ ojxe tbint ja yol lu cyuˈn. 24 Ya nukxix nbinactl ja lu cyuˈn. Cutxetzen tey, bix kˈiˈnxsenke, tuˈntzen tbint cyuˈna cykil cycostumbre judío cyuˈna jcye cbinel cyuˈn. Bix juntl, jax tey cˈoquel chjonte cyej jil alimaj te oybil cxeˈl cyoyej jcyaja xjala tuˈntzen tpon baj twiˈ cyyol twitz Dios. Bix oj tpon baj oybil, bixsen cwel mtzet twiˈy cyuyaj cyaja xjala. Tiˈj tzunj juˈwa cykilca ke xjal judío cˈoquel cyeˈyente ka min cub tchˈixbeˈn tey tley Moisés. Cˈoquel cycyeˈyen ka jaan tey ncuyan tej cycostumbre judío. 25 Yaltzen ke ocslal yaaˈn judío, matzen cub ktzˈiˈbena jun uˈj cye tzin tkbaˈn ti chi temela kuˈn. Miˈn tzˈoc cykˈoˈn cye cycˈuˈj tiˈj cyley judío. Nuktzen jaj tuˈn miˈn txiˈ cychyoˈn jchiˈpj otk txiˈ cyoyen cye sant, mitetpe tz̈iyˈ, mitetpe cychuˈl alimaj min otk tzˈel tz̈iyˈ cye, bix min‑al jun baˈn twutan tuya juntl xuuj, nuk ja te t‑xuˈj―tz̈itzen ke tij tuj tja Dios te Pablo.

26 Kej yol lu baˈn eˈlake tuj twitz Pablo. Tetzen juntl kˈij bix e xiˈ tiiˈnxin kej cyaja xjal, bix e xiˈxin tuj nin tja Dios te ichlalca costumbre cyuya, bix tuˈntzen tpon baj twiˈ jwuuk kˈij costumbre te mitknaˈx cyxiˈ oyet jil alimaj te Dios te jaca juun xjal.

27 Juˈtzen tten tpon baj twiˈ jwuuk kˈij nimbil tuj nin tja Dios. Tejtzen chˈitk cypon baj wuuk kˈij, bix ocpan cabxin judío tuj tja Dios. Otk chi ponxin Jerusalén. Otk chi tzajxexin tuj txˈotxˈ te Asia. Tejtzen toc cycyeˈyenxin Pablo bix akˈkexin cyakwusal xjal, bix e cytzuyxin Pablo. 28 Bix akˈkexin s̈‑ilcye xjal:

―Key xjal te Israel, ¡ko cyoneca tzalu! Ma tzyet jxjal niyˈ tuj jaca tnom kbalte ka mintiiˈ il tiˈj tuˈn toc ebiˈnj tzin t‑xnakˈtzan ktanem, bix tley Moisés, bix tley nin tja Dios. Bix ka tzul tiiˈn cab xjal griego tuj nin tja Dios, jaaˈ nuk ejeeˈcˈacye xjal judío baˈn cyoctz. Juˈtzen ma tzˈoc cytzˈilsaˈn ja lugar sant―tz̈i tzun kej xin judío otk chi tzajxe. 29 Juˈtzen cyyol xina cyibaj xjal griego, cuma otk tzˈoc cycyeˈyenxin Trófimo te Efeso, jun tuya Pablo, tuj tja Dios, bix tuj cywitzxin ja Pablo kˈil texin. Pero yaaˈn juˈwa.

30 Tejtzen cybiˈn kej yol, bix e tzaj kˈojl cykil tnom, bix e tzaj cychmoon cyiib xjal, bix e tzyet Pablo, bix etz kitet‑xin tiˈjxe tja Dios, bix e jpetke ttziiˈ tja Dios. 31 Biˈxitle e byet‑xin nuket min e pon tumel kˈoj tuyaj xin cawel cyibaj soldado te Roma. 32 Ja tzunj xin cawel cye soldado bix e tzaj ttxcoˈnxin ke tsoldadoxin, bix ke tcapitánxin, bix junxsen cyxiˈ ajkelenxin jaaˈ npjaˈ il. Tejtzen toc cycyeˈyen xjal jxin cawel cyuya soldado otk chi ponxin, ya min oc cywolpsaˈnxin Pablo. 33 Entonces bix e xiˈ lkˈe cawel tiˈ Pablo, bix e tzaj ttzyuˈnxin Pablo, bix e xiˈ tkbaˈnxin cye tsoldadoxin tuˈn tcub ẍpet Pablo tuya caˈba cadena, bix e bint cyuˈnxin juˈwa. Bix akˈxin kanlte te Pablo alcye Pablo, bix ti otk cub tbinchenxin, bix ti jilel tilxin. 34 Pero tzinxsen n‑el cywiˈ xjal, ya minx iyˈxtl tyol Pablo tuj twiˈxin, bix mitetpe el tniyˈxin ti cyyol xjal, cuma tecˈax tzin tyolen jun wik yol, bix cabtl juntl wik cyyol. Mix eˈla tniyˈxin tiˈj. Entonces cwa t‑xiˈ tchkˈoˈnxin tuˈn t‑xiˈ kˈiˈn Pablo tuj jaaˈ jaaˈ najla ke soldado. 35 Tejtzen cyponxin tuj jaaˈ, bix akˈ jawexkexin cyuj yotx te jaaˈ, bix e jaw cyiiˈn soldado ja Pablo tiˈ cykulxin tuˈn tclet‑xin cywitz xjal, cuma cyaj xjal tuˈn tcub Pablo. 36 Otkxsen chi oc lpe xjal, bix tzinxsen nchi s̈‑in:

―¡Cybyoˈncˈa! ¡cybyoˈncˈa!―tz̈itzen cys̈itz̈ˈbil xjal.

Tej tyole Pablo tuˈn tcoˈpan tiib

37 Tejtzen chˈitk tocx Pablo cyuˈnxin tunwen, bix e xiˈ tkbaˈnxin te cawel cye soldado:

―Taat, waj jun xtalbil. Waj txiˈ nyolen cab nyol tuyey―tz̈i Pablo.

Bix aj ttzakˈbeˈn cawel:

―A, baˈn tey yolen tuj griego―tz̈i comandante, cuma otk txiˈ tkanen Pablo tuj griego.

―Baˈnte―tz̈i Pablo.

38 Bix e xiˈ tkbaˈn comandante cye soldado te Pablo:

―Ka baˈn yolena tuj griego, yaaˈn aj Egipto tey tisenj we tuj nwitz. At jun xjal te Egipto ma bint‑xe cab tyem e jaw tiiˈn jun kˈoj tzalu. Yajtltzen bix e xiˈ tiiˈn cyaja mil byol xjal jaaˈ min‑al xjal najl―tz̈i comandante.

39 Bix aj tkbaˈn Pablo:

―Min, taat, yaaˈn inayen weja. Aj judío kenwe, bix tej tnom Tarso kenwe, jaj jun tnom mas il tiˈj tuj txˈotxˈ Cilicia. Pero wajtzen txiˈ nkanen jun xtalbil tey. Nuksama, chin tzakpiˈy te kbalx cab nyol cyej xjal lu―tz̈i Pablo.

40 Bix e takˈ cawel tuˈn tyolen Pablo, bix e cub weˈxin cyuj yotx te jaaˈ, bix e xiˈ tkˈoˈnxin techlal tuya tkˈabxin tuˈn cyweˈ xjal cyyolen. Tejtzen cyweˈ xjal, bix akˈxin yolel tuj yol hebreo, cyyol xjal judío bix tyol Pablo.

On to Jerusalem

21 After we(A) had torn ourselves away from them, we put out to sea and sailed straight to Kos. The next day we went to Rhodes and from there to Patara. We found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia,(B) went on board and set sail. After sighting Cyprus and passing to the south of it, we sailed on to Syria.(C) We landed at Tyre, where our ship was to unload its cargo. We sought out the disciples(D) there and stayed with them seven days. Through the Spirit(E) they urged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem. When it was time to leave, we left and continued on our way. All of them, including wives and children, accompanied us out of the city, and there on the beach we knelt to pray.(F) After saying goodbye to each other, we went aboard the ship, and they returned home.

We continued our voyage from Tyre(G) and landed at Ptolemais, where we greeted the brothers and sisters(H) and stayed with them for a day. Leaving the next day, we reached Caesarea(I) and stayed at the house of Philip(J) the evangelist,(K) one of the Seven. He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.(L)

10 After we had been there a number of days, a prophet named Agabus(M) came down from Judea. 11 Coming over to us, he took Paul’s belt, tied his own hands and feet with it and said, “The Holy Spirit says,(N) ‘In this way the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem will bind(O) the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.’”(P)

12 When we heard this, we and the people there pleaded with Paul not to go up to Jerusalem. 13 Then Paul answered, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die(Q) in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”(R) 14 When he would not be dissuaded, we gave up(S) and said, “The Lord’s will be done.”(T)

15 After this, we started on our way up to Jerusalem.(U) 16 Some of the disciples from Caesarea(V) accompanied us and brought us to the home of Mnason, where we were to stay. He was a man from Cyprus(W) and one of the early disciples.

Paul’s Arrival at Jerusalem

17 When we arrived at Jerusalem, the brothers and sisters(X) received us warmly.(Y) 18 The next day Paul and the rest of us went to see James,(Z) and all the elders(AA) were present. 19 Paul greeted them and reported in detail what God had done among the Gentiles(AB) through his ministry.(AC)

20 When they heard this, they praised God. Then they said to Paul: “You see, brother, how many thousands of Jews have believed, and all of them are zealous(AD) for the law.(AE) 21 They have been informed that you teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn away from Moses,(AF) telling them not to circumcise their children(AG) or live according to our customs.(AH) 22 What shall we do? They will certainly hear that you have come, 23 so do what we tell you. There are four men with us who have made a vow.(AI) 24 Take these men, join in their purification rites(AJ) and pay their expenses, so that they can have their heads shaved.(AK) Then everyone will know there is no truth in these reports about you, but that you yourself are living in obedience to the law. 25 As for the Gentile believers, we have written to them our decision that they should abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality.”(AL)

26 The next day Paul took the men and purified himself along with them. Then he went to the temple to give notice of the date when the days of purification would end and the offering would be made for each of them.(AM)

Paul Arrested

27 When the seven days were nearly over, some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul at the temple. They stirred up the whole crowd and seized him,(AN) 28 shouting, “Fellow Israelites, help us! This is the man who teaches everyone everywhere against our people and our law and this place. And besides, he has brought Greeks into the temple and defiled this holy place.”(AO) 29 (They had previously seen Trophimus(AP) the Ephesian(AQ) in the city with Paul and assumed that Paul had brought him into the temple.)

30 The whole city was aroused, and the people came running from all directions. Seizing Paul,(AR) they dragged him(AS) from the temple, and immediately the gates were shut. 31 While they were trying to kill him, news reached the commander of the Roman troops that the whole city of Jerusalem was in an uproar. 32 He at once took some officers and soldiers and ran down to the crowd. When the rioters saw the commander and his soldiers, they stopped beating Paul.(AT)

33 The commander came up and arrested him and ordered him to be bound(AU) with two(AV) chains.(AW) Then he asked who he was and what he had done. 34 Some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another,(AX) and since the commander could not get at the truth because of the uproar, he ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks.(AY) 35 When Paul reached the steps,(AZ) the violence of the mob was so great he had to be carried by the soldiers. 36 The crowd that followed kept shouting, “Get rid of him!”(BA)

Paul Speaks to the Crowd(BB)

37 As the soldiers were about to take Paul into the barracks,(BC) he asked the commander, “May I say something to you?”

“Do you speak Greek?” he replied. 38 “Aren’t you the Egyptian who started a revolt and led four thousand terrorists out into the wilderness(BD) some time ago?”(BE)

39 Paul answered, “I am a Jew, from Tarsus(BF) in Cilicia,(BG) a citizen of no ordinary city. Please let me speak to the people.”

40 After receiving the commander’s permission, Paul stood on the steps and motioned(BH) to the crowd. When they were all silent, he said to them in Aramaic[a]:(BI)


  1. Acts 21:40 Or possibly Hebrew; also in 22:2