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23 But a while ago they (re)turned again to the Lord their God, and they were gathered together from the scattering, in which they were scattered; and now they have gone up into all these hilly places, and again they have Jerusalem in possession, where the holy of holy things be (or where the Temple is). [Forsooth not yore ago, turned again to the Lord their God, from the scattering that they were scattered, they be gathered into one; and they went up (into) all these mountains, and again wielded Jerusalem where be the holy things of hallows.]

24 Now therefore, my lord, inquire thou perfectly, if any wickedness of them is [or if there is any wickedness of them] in the sight of their God, and go we then up to them; for their God betaking shall betake them to thee, and they shall be made subject under the yoke of thy might.

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