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When I speak your message, I have to say,
    ‘Terrible trouble is coming!’
When I shout that message from the Lord,
    people laugh at me.
    They insult me.
Sometimes I think,
    ‘I will say nothing about the Lord or his message.’
But then his message burns like a fire inside me.
    It gives me pain in my mind and my body.
I cannot keep his message to myself.
    I have to speak it.
10 I hear what people are saying against me.
    They say, ‘Terror is all around him![a]
    We should tell the officers what he is saying.’
All my friends want me to make a mistake
    so that they can accuse me.
They say, ‘Perhaps we can cause him to say something wrong.
    Then we will have power over him.
    We will pay him back for the trouble he has given us.’

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Whenever I speak, I cry out
    proclaiming violence and destruction.(A)
So the word of the Lord has brought me
    insult and reproach(B) all day long.
But if I say, “I will not mention his word
    or speak anymore in his name,”(C)
his word is in my heart like a fire,(D)
    a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;(E)
    indeed, I cannot.
10 I hear many whispering,
    “Terror(F) on every side!
    Denounce(G) him! Let’s denounce him!”
All my friends(H)
    are waiting for me to slip,(I) saying,
“Perhaps he will be deceived;
    then we will prevail(J) over him
    and take our revenge(K) on him.”

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