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Ri apóstol Judas cuchap u tzˈibaxic jun carta chque conojel ri cojonelab

In waˈ, ri Judas, in patänil re ri Jesucristo, xukujeˈ in u chakˈ ri Jacobo. Quintzˈibaj bi waˈ we wuj riˈ chque conojel ri e siqˈuim rumal ri Dios ka Tat, ri cojonelab ri u banom rech chque, ri xukujeˈ e u chajim rumal chi xa e jun rucˈ ri Jesucristo. Are ta baˈ ri Dios sibalaj quel u cˈux chiwe, cutokˈobisaj na i wäch, cubano chi kas cuxlan ri iwanimaˈ, xukujeˈ cubano chi quinaˈ pa ri iwanimaˈ chi ri Areˈ sibalaj quixraj nimalaj iwonojel.

Waral cäkil wi jas qui wäch ri achijab ri cäquiya tijonic xa che qui subic ri winak

Lokˈalaj tak kachalal, nim ri rayinic ri cˈo pa wanimaˈ petinak lok chi quintzˈibaj bi chiwe chrij ri xuban ri Dios che ka toˈic nimalaj konojel. Cämic cˈut quinchomaj chi sibalaj rajwaxic na quintzˈibaj bi waˈ we wuj riˈ chiwe che i pixbexic, rech quicoj i chukˈab chutoˈic u wiˈ ri ix cojoninak wi, ri xa jumul xyiˈ waˈ rumal ri Dios chque ri winak ri e rech ri Areˈ. Je riˈ, rumal chi e cˈo jujun achijab e oquinak chixol chcˈuyal. We achijab riˈ tzojer lok u bim ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios ri Tzˈibtalic chi yaˈtal chque chi cäkˈat na tzij pa qui wiˈ chi cäcˈäjisax qui wäch. Itzel tak achijab waˈ ri cäquibij chi we jun winak cäcojon che ru tokˈob ri Dios, cuyaˈ cubano jachique ri craj, we utz, we man utz taj. Man quecojon tä che ri Dios, man quecojon tä cˈu che ri Jesucristo ri xuwi ri Areˈ, are Kajaw ri cˈo u takanic pa ka wiˈ.

Cwaj cˈut quinnaˈtaj chiwe ri xcˈulmataj ojer, pune iwetam chi waˈ. Are chi ri Kajaw Dios xeresaj lok ri winak aj Israel pa ri tinimit Egipto, te cˈu riˈ xusach qui wäch ri winak ri man xecojon tä che, ri e cˈo chquixol. Xukujeˈ tak ri ángeles ri xemacunic, ri xquitzucuj qui takanic ri man yaˈtal tä chque, xquiya cˈu can ri kas qui cˈolibal. We ángeles riˈ e tzˈaptal cämic rumal ri Dios pa ri kˈekum. Sibalaj utz u banom che quichapic, cˈä copan na ri nimalaj kˈij aretak cäkˈat na tzij pa qui wiˈ, man cˈo tä cˈu quitzokopitajic. Xukujeˈ ri winak ri xecˈoji ojer pa ri tinimit Sodoma, ri tinimit Gomorra cachiˈl ri winak ri xecˈoji pa tak ri tinimit chquinakaj, jeˈ xcaˈno jas ri xcaˈn ri ángeles ri xemacunic. Xukujeˈ xquijach quib chubanic ronojel u wäch etzelal. Jeˈ xcaˈno jas ri cäcaˈn ri tzˈiˈ ri xak cäquirik quib, man cˈo tä cˈu qui pixab. Xquiya cˈu quib chubanic ri itzel tak qui rayinic, xukujeˈ ronojel u wäch ri man utz taj ri man takal tä u banic. Conojel cˈu waˈ tajin cäcˈäjisax qui wäch, e cˈo can pa ri kˈakˈ ri man cächuptaj taj. Waˈ we xbantajic riˈ are jun cˈutbal waˈ chkawäch uj cämic nimalaj konojel, chi kas tzij cäpe na ri kˈij aretak cäcˈäjisax na qui wäch ri ajmaquib.

Pune cˈo we cˈutbal riˈ chquiwäch ri achijab ri cäquicˈut jechˈ tak tijonic, are qui yoˈm u kˈij ri qui chicˈ, cäquitzˈiloj ri canimaˈ xukujeˈ ri qui cuerpo rucˈ ri qui mac, cäquetzelaj u wäch ru takanic ri Kajaw Dios, xukujeˈ quequiyokˈ ri cˈo takanic pa qui kˈab ri kas nimak qui kˈij, cäquibij cˈu ri äwas u bixic chquij ri e areˈ. Ri arcángel Miguel, aretak tajin cächˈojin rucˈ ri Itzel chrij ri u cuerpo ri ka mam Moisés, man xucochˈ taj chubixic cˈäx tak tzij che ri areˈ chukˈatic tzij puwiˈ chi cäcˈäjisax na u wäch, xane xak xuwi xubij che: “¡Are ta ri Kajaw Dios catyajowic!” ―xcha che. 10 Are cˈu we achijab riˈ ri e oquinak chixol chcˈuyal cäquibij ri äwas u bixic chrij apachique ri man cäquichˈob taj. Are cˈu ri xak quetam pa que wi, jeˈ jas ri xak quetam ri awaj aj pa tak juyub ri man cˈo tä qui chomabal, cäquicoj waˈ, je riˈ chi xa cäsach qui wäch rumal.

11 ¡Tokˈob cˈu qui wäch waˈ we winak riˈ! Rumal chi cäcaˈn que jas ri xuban ri a Caín ojer ri xucämisaj ru chakˈ. Xukujeˈ ri e areˈ, xak rech cäquirik puak, qui jalom ri qui be jas ri xuban ri tat Balaam ojer, xuban subunic chque ri winak. Jeˈ cˈu cäcaˈn na we achijab riˈ, cäsach na qui wäch jas ri xuban ri tat Coré ojer, ri xcämisax rumal ri Dios rumal chi xuwalijisaj rib chrij ri ka mam Moisés. 12 We achijab riˈ sibalaj cˈäx ri cäcaˈno. Xak e esal tak qˈuixbal pa tak ri i nimakˈij aretak quimulij iwib rucˈ quicotemal rumal chi quiwaj iwib, quixwiˈ cˈu rucˈ utzil. Ri e areˈ quewiˈ iwucˈ, cäquitij ronojel ri cäcaj, xak cˈu tzeˈ cäquilij. Man queqˈuix taj, man cˈo tä cˈu nim chquiwäch. Xuwi ri e areˈ cäquilij quib. E jeˈ ta ne ajyukˈab ri man quenaˈtaj tä ri qui chij chque. E junam rucˈ ri sutzˈ ri man cucˈam tä jäb, ri quecˈam bi rumal ri quiäkikˈ. E junam cucˈ ri cheˈ ri man quewächin taj, pune are u kˈijol ri cäquiya qui wäch. E jeˈ ta ne ri cheˈ ri xechakiˈjic, ri e bokom chi apanok, ri ya e cäminak chic. 13 E junam rucˈ ri nimalaj jaˈ re ri mar aretak quepe ri nimak tak uwojaˈ ri quewokow puwiˈ. Ri quewokow cˈu ri achijab riˈ, are ri cäcaˈno, ri kas are qˈuixbal chquiwäch conojel. E jeˈ ta ne chˈimil ri qui sachom ri qui be cho ri caj. We achijab riˈ kˈatom tzij pa qui wiˈ rumal ri Dios chi quecˈäjisaxic, quebeˈ cˈu na pa ri kas kˈekum ri man cäcˈoji tä na sakil, jawijeˈ ri man cˈo tä chi quelic wi lok.

14 Xukujeˈ ri ka mam Enoc, ri uwuk qui tat tinimit chquixol ri winak re ri uwächulew ri xechaptaj rucˈ ri ka mam Adán ojer, xubij ri bim che ri areˈ rumal ri Dios chrij ri cäcaˈn na we itzel tak winak riˈ. Are waˈ ri xubij: “¡Chiwilampeˈ!” ―cächaˈ. “Ri Kajaw Jesús cäpetic e rachiˈl jujun mil ri lokˈalaj tak ángeles rech ri Areˈ. 15 Cäpe ri Areˈ rech culukˈata tzij pa qui wiˈ conojel ri winak. Cukˈat cˈu na tzij pa qui wiˈ ri banal tak etzelal chi cäcˈäjisax na qui wäch rumal ri itzel tak cˈäx ri caˈnom, xukujeˈ rumal ri qˈuia u wäch tak tzij ri äwas qui bixic ri qui bim chrij ri Dios,” ―xcha riˈ. 16 We winak riˈ xak amakˈel cäquichˈaˈ quib, queyokˈon chquij niqˈuiaj chic, xuwi cˈu cäquitzucuj u banic ri itzel tak qui rayinic ri e areˈ. Cäquibij tak tzij xa chubanic nimal, utz cˈu qui chˈabexic ri winak cäcaˈno xak rech cˈo ri cäquicˈam na chquij.

Cäbix chque ri cojonelab jas ri rajwaxic chi cäcaˈno

17 Are cˈu ri ix, lokˈalaj tak kachalal, chnaˈtaj chiwe ri tzij ri bim can ojer cumal ri apóstoles, ri u takoˈn ri Kajaw Jesucristo. 18 Xquibij cˈu can chiwe: “Pa ri qˈuisbal tak kˈij quepe na winak ri xa cäquitzeˈj qui wäch conojel ri quekˈijilan ri Dios, xukujeˈ ronojel ri kas utz, ri kas lokˈ cho ri Dios. Ri e areˈ xuwi cäquilij na u banic ri itzel tak qui rayinic,” ―xecha riˈ. 19 E are tak waˈ ri quecojow qui cˈux ri kachalal rech cäquitasala quib. Utz cäquil wi ri winak riˈ ru banic xak jas ri cäcaj ri e areˈ, man cˈo tä cˈu ri Espíritu rech ri Dios pa canimaˈ.

20 Ri ix cˈut, lokˈalaj tak kachalal, ¡kas chixcojonok! Kas chixcojon che ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios. Chibana baˈ orar rucˈ ri chukˈab ri cäyiˈ chiwe rumal ri Lokˈalaj Espíritu. 21 Chiwilij baˈ iwib rech kas quinaˈ pa ri iwanimaˈ, xukujeˈ kas quichˈobo chi ri Dios sibalaj quixraj. Chiweyej baˈ ri kˈij aretak ri Kajaw Jesucristo kas cutokˈobisaj na ka wäch, cuya chke ri cˈaslemal ri man cˈo tä u qˈuisic.

22 Ri kachalal ri xak quieb qui cˈux quecojonic, chitokˈobisaj qui wäch, cheipixbaj cˈut rech kas jicom ri canimaˈ. 23 Cheitoˈ baˈ, cheiwesaj chuwäch ru kˈakˈal ri cˈäjisabal qui wäch ri man queniman tä che ri Dios. Rajwaxic chi quel i cˈux chque ri juleˈ chic, pune cˈu kas rajwaxic chi quiwil na iwib chi man quixtzak tä ix chupam ri qui mac. ¡Tzel baˈ chiwila ri etzelal ri tajin cäcaˈno! Xa cˈu michap cok ri catzˈiak ri tzˈilobtajinak rumal ri itzelalaj qui cˈaslemal, xane chixej iwib chuwäch waˈ.

Che ri Dios ri xa jun cˈolic yaˈtal wi chi cänimarisax u kˈij

24 Ri Dios are xa jun cˈolic, ri kas cˈo u noˈj che ronojel. Cäcowin cˈu ri Areˈ che ka toˈic. Are waˈ ri ka Dios ri cˈo u chukˈab che i chajixic rech man quixtzak tä pa mac. Ri Areˈ cuban na chi chˈajchˈoj ri iwanimaˈ ix, rech quixcowinic rucˈ nimalaj quicotemal quixopan chuwäch ri Areˈ ri sibalaj cänimarisax u kˈij, ri cˈo jeˈlalaj u juluwem. 25 Che cˈu ri Dios ri xa jun cˈolic, ri cäcowin che ka toˈic, che ri Areˈ takal wi chi cänimarisax na u kˈij, takalic chi nim na u banic ri Areˈ chquiwäch conojel, chi cˈo na ri nimalaj u chukˈab pa qui wiˈ conojel, xukujeˈ chi xuwi ri Areˈ cˈo takanic pu kˈab rumal ri Kajaw Jesucristo tzpa ru chaplexic lok ronojel ri cˈolic cˈä we cämic riˈ, xukujeˈ pa tak ri kˈij ri junab ri quepe na ri man cˈo tä qui qˈuisic. Amén.

Jude,(A) a servant of Jesus Christ(B) and a brother of James,

To those who have been called,(C) who are loved in God the Father and kept for[a] Jesus Christ:(D)

Mercy, peace(E) and love be yours in abundance.(F)

The Sin and Doom of Ungodly People

Dear friends,(G) although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share,(H) I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend(I) for the faith(J) that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.(K) For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about[b] long ago have secretly slipped in among you.(L) They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.(M)

Though you already know all this,(N) I want to remind you(O) that the Lord[c] at one time delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe.(P) And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.(Q) In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah(R) and the surrounding towns(S) gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.(T)

In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings.(U) But even the archangel(V) Michael,(W) when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses,(X) did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”[d](Y) 10 Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct—as irrational animals do—will destroy them.(Z)

11 Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain;(AA) they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error;(AB) they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion.(AC)

12 These people are blemishes at your love feasts,(AD) eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves.(AE) They are clouds without rain,(AF) blown along by the wind;(AG) autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted(AH)—twice dead. 13 They are wild waves of the sea,(AI) foaming up their shame;(AJ) wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.(AK)

14 Enoch,(AL) the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming(AM) with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones(AN) 15 to judge(AO) everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”[e](AP) 16 These people are grumblers(AQ) and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires;(AR) they boast(AS) about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.

A Call to Persevere

17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles(AT) of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold.(AU) 18 They said to you, “In the last times(AV) there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.”(AW) 19 These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.(AX)

20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up(AY) in your most holy faith(AZ) and praying in the Holy Spirit,(BA) 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait(BB) for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.(BC)

22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire;(BD) to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.[f](BE)


24 To him who is able(BF) to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence(BG) without fault(BH) and with great joy— 25 to the only God(BI) our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!(BJ) Amen.(BK)


  1. Jude 1:1 Or by; or in
  2. Jude 1:4 Or individuals who were marked out for condemnation
  3. Jude 1:5 Some early manuscripts Jesus
  4. Jude 1:9 Jude is alluding to the Jewish Testament of Moses (approximately the first century a.d.).
  5. Jude 1:15 From the Jewish First Book of Enoch (approximately the first century b.c.)
  6. Jude 1:23 The Greek manuscripts of these verses vary at several points.