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Nmeiiⁿ calˈaaya cha nncjaaweeˈ tsˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom

Ndoˈ jeˈ ˈo nnˈaaⁿya ñequio xueeˈ Ta Jesús cwitaaⁿyâ nda̱a̱ˈyoˈ ndoˈ cwitsa̱ˈntjo̱o̱ⁿyâ ˈo na cˈomˈyoˈ chaˈxjeⁿ na jnda̱ tˈmo̱o̱ⁿyâ na calˈaˈyoˈ cha nncjaaweeˈ tsˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ñˈeⁿndyoˈ.

Ndoˈ manquiuˈyaˈyoˈ ñˈoomˈñeeⁿ na tqua̱a̱ⁿtya̱a̱ⁿyâ nda̱a̱ˈyoˈ ñequio najndeii na matseixmaⁿ Ta Jesús. Ee luaa waa na lˈue tsˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ñˈeⁿndyoˈ na calaxmaⁿˈyoˈ na ljuˈ nˈomˈyoˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈaⁿ meiⁿ tancˈomˈyaˈyoˈ ñequio nnˈaⁿ na cweˈ luaaˈ, ticwiindyoˈ ˈo nnˈaaⁿya, calaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ na lˈue tsˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na cˈomˈyoˈ na yandyoˈ ñequio lcuuˈyoˈ, ndoˈ na calaˈtˈmaaⁿˈndyoˈ joona, nchii nncˈoom tsaⁿsˈa ñequio scoomˈm na ncwinomˈnaˈ ljoˈ machˈeeⁿ na tia na matseitioom ñˈeⁿñe chaˈxjeⁿ cwilˈa nnˈaⁿ na ticˈom nacje ˈnaaⁿˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Meiⁿcwii tsaⁿsˈa tintseitjo̱o̱ñe nnom xˈiaaˈ na nncˈoomya ñˈeⁿ scuuˈ tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ meiⁿ tinquiuˈnnˈaⁿ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ ñˈoommeiⁿˈ ee jeeⁿ tˈmaⁿ na wiˈ nntseiquioo Ta Jesús nacjooˈ tsˈaⁿ na machˈee chaˈtso nmeiⁿˈ chaˈxjeⁿ na jnda̱ ñejlaˈcandiiyâ ˈo. Ee nchii na tqueeⁿˈñe Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom jaa na nlajomndyo̱ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ natia, sa̱a̱ jom lˈue tsˈoom na cˈo̱o̱ⁿya na ljuˈ nˈo̱o̱ⁿya jo nnoom. Cweˈ joˈ xeⁿ mˈaaⁿ tsˈaⁿ na ticueeˈ tsˈom ñˈoommeiⁿˈ na cwitˈmo̱o̱ⁿyâ nda̱a̱ˈyoˈ, catseiˈno̱ⁿˈ tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ na nchii cweˈ ñˈoom na tqueⁿ nnˈaⁿ machˈee na tilˈue. Juu machˈee na tilˈue ñˈoom na tqueⁿ nquii Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom, na jom tquiaaⁿ Espíritu Santo naquiiˈ nˈo̱o̱ⁿyâ.

Cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ na cˈomˈyoˈ na wiˈ nˈom ntyjeeˈyoˈ na cwilaˈyuˈ, tacaⁿnaˈ na cwinntseiljeiya ñˈoomˈñeeⁿ ee manquiiti Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom maˈmo̱o̱ⁿ nda̱a̱ˈyoˈ na cˈomˈyoˈ na wiˈ nˈomˈyoˈ joona. 10 Ee ˈo wiˈ nˈomˈyoˈ nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈyuˈ na mˈaⁿ tsˈo̱ndaa Macedonia. Sa̱a̱ cwitaaⁿyâ nda̱a̱ˈyoˈ na cˈomˈyoˈ na matˈmaⁿti na wiˈ nˈomˈyoˈ joona. 11 Calaˈjnda̱ˈyoˈ na tjoomˈ ñˈoom nncˈomˈyoˈ ñˈeⁿ ncˈiaaˈyoˈ. Tacatiiˈndyoˈ ñˈoom ˈnaaⁿna na ticatseixmaⁿnaˈ na nlaˈjomndyoˈ. Cjooˈ nˈomˈyoˈ na calˈaˈyoˈ tsˈiaaⁿ ˈnaⁿˈyoˈ chaˈxjeⁿ ñˈoom na jnda̱ tqua̱a̱ⁿtya̱a̱ⁿyâ nda̱a̱ˈyoˈ, 12 ee na nlˈaˈyoˈ na ljoˈ, nnˈaⁿ na tyoolaˈyuˈ nlaˈtˈmaaⁿˈndyena ˈo meiⁿ xotseitjo̱o̱naˈ ˈnaⁿ na nleilˈueeˈndyoˈ.

Cantyja na nndyonndaˈ Ta Jesucristo

13 Ndoˈ jeˈ ˈo nnˈaⁿya, tacalˈue nˈo̱o̱ⁿyâ na mati ticalaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ chiuu nntsˈaanaˈ ñequio nnˈaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱ meiⁿ tancˈomˈyoˈ na chjooˈ nˈomˈyoˈ chaˈxjeⁿ ntˈomcheⁿ nnˈaⁿ na tintyjaaˈ nˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. 14 Ndoˈ chaˈxjeⁿ cwilaˈyuuˈa na tueˈ Jesús ndoˈ na tandoˈxcoom, maluaaˈ cwilaˈyuuˈa na cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ jom nñequiaa Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na joo nnˈaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱ na ñejlaˈyuˈ ñˈeⁿñê nntaˈndoˈxcona.

15 Joˈ chii cwilˈuuyâ nda̱a̱ˈyoˈ ñˈoom na tˈmo̱ⁿ nquii na cwiluiiñe na catsa̱ˈntjom jaa na ndicwaⁿ cwitando̱o̱ˈa hasta xjeⁿ na nndyonnaaⁿˈaⁿ, xocwino̱o̱ⁿˈa nnˈaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱. 16 Ee manquiiti Jesús nnaaⁿ cañoomˈluee, jndeiiˈ ñˈoom na nntsa̱ˈntjoom, ndoˈ nndyocueeⁿ, xjeⁿˈñeeⁿ nleicˈuaa jndyeeˈ ángel na cwiluiitquieñe ndoˈ mati ndu ˈnaaⁿˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Quia joˈ joo nnˈaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱ na ñejlaˈyuˈ ñˈeⁿ Jesús, joona najndyee nntaˈndoˈxcona. 17 Jnda̱ joˈ jaa na ndicwaⁿ cwitando̱o̱ˈa xjeⁿˈñeeⁿ ñeˈnaaⁿˈ nncjaachuunaˈ jaa ñˈeⁿndyena quiiˈ nchquiu na nntjomndyo̱ ñequio Ta Jesús quiiˈ jndye ndoˈ nncˈo̱o̱ⁿtya̱a̱ⁿya ñˈeⁿñê. 18 Joˈ chii ñequio ñˈoommeiⁿˈ quiaˈyoˈ na tˈmaⁿ nˈom nnˈaⁿˈyoˈ na cwilaˈyuˈ.

Living to Please God

As for other matters, brothers and sisters,(A) we instructed you how to live(B) in order to please God,(C) as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.

It is God’s will(D) that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;(E) that each of you should learn to control your own body[a](F) in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust(G) like the pagans,(H) who do not know God;(I) and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister.[b](J) The Lord will punish(K) all those who commit such sins,(L) as we told you and warned you before. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.(M) Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.(N)

Now about your love for one another(O) we do not need to write to you,(P) for you yourselves have been taught by God(Q) to love each other.(R) 10 And in fact, you do love all of God’s family throughout Macedonia.(S) Yet we urge you, brothers and sisters, to do so more and more,(T) 11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands,(U) just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders(V) and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

Believers Who Have Died

13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed(W) about those who sleep in death,(X) so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.(Y) 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again,(Z) and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.(AA) 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord,(AB) will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.(AC) 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven,(AD) with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel(AE) and with the trumpet call of God,(AF) and the dead in Christ will rise first.(AG) 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left(AH) will be caught up together with them in the clouds(AI) to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord(AJ) forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another(AK) with these words.


  1. 1 Thessalonians 4:4 Or learn to live with your own wife; or learn to acquire a wife
  2. 1 Thessalonians 4:6 The Greek word for brother or sister (adelphos) refers here to a believer, whether man or woman, as part of God’s family.