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Ismunil ebnaj ischejab Comam Jesucristo

Caw cˈul tato mach jin̈ojan̈ cheyaco heyanma, yuto ischejabn̈e Comam Jesucristo jehan̈. Akˈbil cochejbanilan̈ jakˈnihan̈ ohtan̈elaxo huntekˈan tzet ewan ye yu Comam Dios. Yuxin haˈ mac bay chiakˈlax hunu chejbanile yilal yijem chute isba. Wal intiˈan xin, machi wocan yin̈ ta chexoc heyilaˈ yin̈ tzet chinwatxˈehan, maca hunuxa mac chioc ilnoj. Haquintuˈan mach chinocan wilaˈan yin̈ tzet chinwatxˈehan. Walca xin machi hunu istxˈojal chinwatxˈehan, yajaˈ maẍtaj yu huneˈ tuˈ yuxin chiwalan tato cˈulinxahan, walxinto han̈cˈan̈e Comam Dios Yahawil chu yalni yin̈ tzet chinwatxˈehan.

Yuxin mach chexoc heyalaˈ tinan̈ yin̈ tzet heye hununex. Wal xin echmawe yul Comam Dios Jahawil, cat isyenilo Comam yin̈ caw haban tzet ewan yehi, cat yakˈni Comam ohtan̈elaxolo tzet ayayto yul yanma hunun anma. Chakˈni Comam istzalabal cocˈul hataticˈa hanta tzet chicowatxˈe.

Hex wuẍtaj, hex wanab, chiwalan huntekˈan tiˈ yu iscˈulalo teyin̈. Ilweto inbeybalan, yeb isbeybal juẍta Apolos, yuto chijaco cobahan̈ yecheloj yun̈e hebeybaln̈en cobeybalan̈. Haˈ huntekˈan tzet chicowatxˈetiˈan̈, haˈ chioc yecheloj yun̈e mach chexpalcˈon yiban̈ tzet tzˈibn̈ebilcanoj. Yebpaxo yun̈e mach cheloloˈn̈e heba heyanico iswinajil hunuxa maca, cat heyintan̈encanilto hunuxa maca. Mach chu cololoˈn̈en coba walca cˈulon̈ sata hunuxa maca, yuto sunil tzet chisje cowatxˈeni haˈ Comam Dios chiakˈni jet. Yuxin mach chu jinican̈ coba yu huntekˈan tuˈ, to haˈ Comam chiakˈni jet.

Walex hex tiˈ, cochn̈e caw kˈalomexxa, yuto sunil tzet cheyoche ay teyet. Caw xin hacaˈxapaxo rey heye heyalni, matxa tzet chon̈ocan̈ heyu. Yajaˈ tzettam sakˈal ta reyex, wal tuˈ ayon̈micojan̈ teyintaj. Chintxuman hanintiˈan tato han̈on̈ ischejabon̈ Comam Dios tiˈan̈, con̈yacojan̈ Comam yin̈ sat anma hacaˈ hunu mac caw islahobalxa yehi, hacaˈ hunu mac chipotxˈlax yilaˈ anma. Hacaˈ hunu tzet ye tuˈ ton̈e chimatzˈelaxi, hac tuˈ jehan̈ yul sat anma yul sat yiban̈kˈinal tiˈ, yeb yul sat ebnaj ángel.

10 Hanon̈tiˈan̈ chon̈hallaxan̈ sucal yu chijalicˈojan̈ Istzotiˈ Comam Jesucristo. Walex hex tiˈ xin caw helanex yin̈ Comam Jesucristo heyalni. Han̈on̈tiˈan̈ caw machi jipan̈, walex xin caw aycano heyip. Caw matzet jelapnojan̈ yul hesat, walex xin caw aycano heyelapnoj. 11 Tinan̈ xin yexn̈e jijlenan̈ wahil yeb tajintiˈal, yeb man̈xilkˈapehal. Chon̈makˈlaxpaxojan̈ yu anma, yeb machi jatutan̈. 12 Caw xin chon̈siquihan̈ comunlahan̈, yuto yin̈ cokˈaban̈ caw cocˈulan̈. Hayet chon̈bahlaxan̈ yu anma haˈ iscˈulal Comam chijalan̈ tet. Ay bay chiecˈyaˈ janmahan̈ yu anma, yajaˈ chijakˈ techahojan̈. 13 Caw txˈoj istzotel anma jetan̈, wal han̈on̈an̈ xin caw akˈancˈulal chu cotzotelan̈ tet. Hacticˈapax tuˈ tinan̈, hacaˈ iskˈalemal yeb isyahbenal tzet ay yul sat yiban̈kˈinal, hac tuˈ jehan̈ yul sat anma.

14 Maẍtaj yu quexwakˈni txˈixwojan yuxin chintzˈibn̈etojan huntekˈan tiˈ teyet. Walxinto yu wakˈnihan hecuybanil, hacaˈojtam caw wuninalan heyehi yuto caw xahan ayex wuhan. 15 Waxan̈ca ay lahon̈ebo mil mac chexcuyni yin̈ Istzotiˈ Comam Jesucristo, yajaˈ hacaˈtan̈e huneˈn̈e hemam. Hanintiˈan hacaˈ hemam wehan, yuto haninan babel walan Tzotiˈ yet colbanile teyet, hac tuˈ xin yu hechahni Comam Jesucristo yul heyanma. 16 Yuxin caw chiwalan teyet beybaln̈ewe hacaˈ inbeybalan.

17 Tinan̈ xin chinchejtojan juẍta Timoteo texol. Haˈ naj tiˈ, hacaˈ incˈaholan ye naj, caw xahan ay naj wuhan yeb caw yijem naj tet Comam Dios Jahawil. Haˈ naj chinaniti inbeybalan teyet yin̈ Comam Jesucristo, hacaˈticˈa chu incuywahan xol anma ayxaco yul iskˈab Comam Dios yul hunun con̈ob bay chinecˈan.

18 Ay mac texol tuˈ caw chican̈ isba, ham yalni tato matxa chinapnihan quexwilaˈan. 19 Wal xin ta ẍi Comam ayxaticˈaco yin̈ incˈulan intohan quexwilnojan yin̈ an̈e. Hato tuˈ chiwilan tato caw yeli helan huntekˈan ebnaj loloˈ tuˈ, maca ton̈e chitzotel ebnaj xin. 20 Yuto maẍtaj yu tzet chijala chiixtan̈wiloj tato ayon̈xa yul iskˈab Comam Dios, walxinto yu chisyelo yip Comam jin̈. 21 Wal tinan̈ xin, ¿tzet cheyoche chinto wuban texol? ¿Tom cheyoche chintohan quexinhateˈan yu hetxˈojal? mato ¿cheyoche ta cˈulchˈan chiwute incˈulan teyin̈?

The Nature of True Apostleship

This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants(A) of Christ and as those entrusted(B) with the mysteries(C) God has revealed. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience(D) is clear, but that does not make me innocent.(E) It is the Lord who judges me.(F) Therefore judge nothing(G) before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes.(H) He will bring to light(I) what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.(J)

Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.”(K) Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other.(L) For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive?(M) And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?

Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich!(N) You have begun to reign—and that without us! How I wish that you really had begun to reign so that we also might reign with you! For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like those condemned to die(O) in the arena. We have been made a spectacle(P) to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings. 10 We are fools for Christ,(Q) but you are so wise in Christ!(R) We are weak, but you are strong!(S) You are honored, we are dishonored! 11 To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless.(T) 12 We work hard with our own hands.(U) When we are cursed, we bless;(V) when we are persecuted,(W) we endure it; 13 when we are slandered, we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage(X) of the world—right up to this moment.

Paul’s Appeal and Warning

14 I am writing this not to shame you(Y) but to warn you as my dear children.(Z) 15 Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father(AA) through the gospel.(AB) 16 Therefore I urge you to imitate me.(AC) 17 For this reason I have sent to you(AD) Timothy,(AE) my son(AF) whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church.(AG)

18 Some of you have become arrogant,(AH) as if I were not coming to you.(AI) 19 But I will come to you very soon,(AJ) if the Lord is willing,(AK) and then I will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking, but what power they have. 20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of(AL) talk but of power.(AM) 21 What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a rod of discipline,(AN) or shall I come in love and with a gentle spirit?