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کوڕەکانی لێڤی:

گێرشۆن، قەهات و مەراری.

کوڕەکانی قەهات:

عەمرام، یەسهار، حەبرۆن و عوزیێل.

منداڵەکانی عەمرام:

هارون، موسا و مریەم.

کوڕەکانی هارون:

ناداب، ئەبیهو، ئەلعازار و ئیتامار.

ئەلعازار فینەحاسی بوو،

فینەحاس ئەبیشوەعی بوو،

ئەبیشوەع بوقی بوو،

بوقی عوزیی بوو،

عوزی زەرەحیای بوو،

زەرەحیا مەرایۆتی بوو،

مەرایۆت ئەمەریای بوو،

ئەمەریا ئەحیتوڤی بوو،

ئەحیتوڤ سادۆقی بوو،

سادۆق ئەحیمەعەچی بوو،

ئەحیمەعەچ عەزەریای بوو،

عەزەریا یۆحانانی بوو،

10 یۆحانانیش عەزەریای بوو ئەوەی کاهینیێتی کرد لەو پەرستگایەدا کە سلێمان لە ئۆرشەلیم بنیادی نا.

11 هەروەها عەزەریا ئەمەریای بوو،

ئەمەریا ئەحیتوڤی بوو،

12 ئەحیتوڤ سادۆقی بوو،

سادۆق شەلومی بوو،

13 شەلوم حیلقیای بوو،

حیلقیا عەزەریای بوو،

14 عەزەریا سەرایای بوو و

سەرایا یەهۆچاداقی بوو.

15 یەهۆچاداقیش بەبەر ئەو ڕاپێچکردنە کەوت کە یەزدان بەسەر یەهودا و ئۆرشەلیمدا هێنای بەدەستی نەبوخودنەسر.

16 کوڕەکانی لێڤی:

گێرشۆن، قەهات و مەراری.

17 ئەمەش ناوی دوو کوڕەکەی گێرشۆنە:

لیبنی و شیمعی.

18 کوڕەکانی قەهاتیش:

عەمرام، یەسهار، حەبرۆن و عوزیێل.

19 کوڕەکانی مەراریش:

مەحلی و موشی.

ئەمانەش خێڵەکانی لێڤین بەپێی باوباپیرانیان:

20 لە گێرشۆن بەرەو خوارەوە:

لیبنی کوڕی گێرشۆن، یەحەت کوڕی لیبنی،

زیما کوڕی یەحەت، 21 یۆئاح کوڕی زیما،

عیدۆ کوڕی یۆئاح، زەرەح کوڕی عیدۆ و

یەئاتەرەی کوڕی زەرەح.

22 نەوەی قەهات:

عەمیناداب کوڕی قەهات، قۆرەح کوڕی عەمیناداب،

ئەسسیر کوڕی قۆرەح، 23 ئەلقانە کوڕی ئەسسیر،

ئەبیاساف کوڕی ئەلقانە، ئەسسیر کوڕی ئەبیاساف،

24 تەحەس کوڕی ئەسسیر، ئوریێل کوڕی تەحەس،

عوزیا کوڕی ئوریێل، شائوول کوڕی عوزیا.

25 نەوەی ئەلقانە:

عەماسەی و ئەحیمۆت کوڕی ئەلقانە بوون،

26 ئەحیمۆتیش کوڕەکەی ناوی ئەلقانە بوو، چۆفەییش کوڕی ئەلقانە،

نەحەت کوڕی چۆفەی، 27 ئەلیاب کوڕی نەحەت،

یەرۆحام کوڕی ئەلیاب، ئەلقانە کوڕی یەرۆحام، ساموئێل کوڕی ئەلقانە.

28 کوڕەکانی ساموئێلیش:

نۆبەرەکەی یۆئێل و

دووەمیان ئەبیا.

29 نەوەی مەراری:

مەحلی کوڕی مەراری، لیبنی کوڕی مەحلی،

شیمعی کوڕی لیبنی، عوزا کوڕی شیمعی،

30 شیمەعە کوڕی عوزا، حەگییا کوڕی شیمەعە و عەسایا کوڕی حەگییا.

مۆسیقاژەنەکانی پەرستگا

31 ئەم کەسانە ئەوانە بوون کە داود بۆ سەرپەرشتیکردنی ژەنینی مۆسیقا داینان لە ماڵی یەزدان، پاش ئەوەی سندوقەکەی پەیمان جێگیر بوو. 32 ئەوان لەبەردەم چادری چاوپێکەوتن لەناو چادری پەرستندا بە ژەنینی مۆسیقا خزمەتیان دەکرد، هەتا ئەو کاتەی سلێمان پەرستگای یەزدانی لە ئۆرشەلیمدا بنیاد نا، هەروەها ئەرکەکانیان جێبەجێ دەکرد بەپێی ئەو ڕێکخستنەی بۆیان دانرابوو.

33 ئەمانە ئەوانەن لەگەڵ کوڕەکانیاندا خزمەتیان دەکرد:

لە نەوەی قەهاتییەکان:

هێیمانی مۆسیقاژەن

کوڕی یۆئێلی، کوڕی ساموئێلی،

34 کوڕی ئەلقانەی، کوڕی یەرۆحامی،

کوڕی ئەلیێلی، کوڕی تۆوەحی،

35 کوڕی چوفی، کوڕی ئەلقانەی،

کوڕی مەحەتی، کوڕی عەماسەیی،

36 کوڕی ئەلقانەی، کوڕی یۆئێلی،

کوڕی عەزەریای، کوڕی سەفەنیای،

37 کوڕی تەحەسی، کوڕی ئەسسیری،

کوڕی ئەبیاسافی، کوڕی قۆرەحی،

38 کوڕی یەسهاری، کوڕی قەهاتی،

کوڕی لێڤی، کوڕی ئیسرائیل.

39 ئاسافی یاریدەدەری دەستە ڕاستی هێیمانیش:

ئاساف کوڕی بەرەخیای، کوڕی شیمەعەی،

40 کوڕی میکائیلی، کوڕی بەعەسێیای،

کوڕی مەلکیای، 41 کوڕی ئەتنیی،

کوڕی زەرەحی، کوڕی عەدایای،

42 کوڕی ئێیتانی، کوڕی زیمای،

کوڕی شیمعیی، 43 کوڕی یەحەتی،

کوڕی گێرشۆنی، کوڕی لێڤی؛

44 هەروەها لە یاریدەدەرەکانیان کە لە نەوەی مەراری بوون، یاریدەدەری دەستە چەپی هێیمان:

ئێیتانی کوڕی قیشی، کوڕی عەبدی،

کوڕی مەلوخی، 45 کوڕی حەشەڤیای،

کوڕی ئەمەسیای، کوڕی حیلقیای،

46 کوڕی ئەمچی، کوڕی بانی،

کوڕی شەمەری، 47 کوڕی مەحلی،

کوڕی موشی، کوڕی مەراری،

کوڕی لێڤی.

48 برا لێڤییەکانی دیکەیان هەموو خزمەتەکانی دیکەی چادری پەرستنی ماڵی خودایان پێ سپێردرا. 49 بەڵام هارون و نەوەکانی لەسەر قوربانگای قوربانی سووتاندن و قوربانگای بخوور، پێشکەشکراویان پێشکەش دەکرد، لەگەڵ هەموو کارەکانی پەیوەست بەو لە شوێنی هەرە پیرۆز و کەفارەتکردن بۆ ئیسرائیل، بەپێی هەموو ئەوەی موسای بەندەی خودا فەرمانی پێی کرد.

50 ئەمانەش نەوەی هارونن:

ئەلعازار کوڕی هارون، فینەحاس کوڕی ئەلعازار،

ئەبیشوەع کوڕی فینەحاس، 51 بوقی کوڕی ئەبیشوەع،

عوزی کوڕی بوقی، زەرەحیا کوڕی عوزی،

52 مەرایۆت کوڕی زەرەحیا، ئەمەریا کوڕی مەرایۆت،

ئەحیتوڤ کوڕی ئەمەریا، 53 سادۆق کوڕی ئەحیتوڤ و ئەحیمەعەچ کوڕی سادۆق.

54 ئەمانەش ئەو ناوچانەیە کە نەوەی هارون لە خێڵی قەهاتییەکان تێیدا نیشتەجێ بوون، چونکە یەکەم تیروپشک بۆ ئەوان دەرچوو:

55 حەبرۆنیان پێدان لە خاکی یەهودا لەگەڵ لەوەڕگاکانی دەوروبەریدا. 56 بەڵام کێڵگە و گوندەکانی دەوروبەری شارەکە بە کالێبی کوڕی یەفونە درا.

57 حەبرۆن کە شارێکی پەناگا بوو درایە نەوەی هارون، هەروەها لیڤنا، یەتیر، ئەشتەمۆع، 58 حیلێن، دەڤیر، 59 عاشان، یوتا و بێت‌شەمەش بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە. 60 لە خاکی هۆزی بنیامینیش، شارۆچکەکانی گبعۆن[a]، گەڤەع، عالەمەت و عەناتۆت بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە بەوان درا.

هەموو شارۆچکەکانیان سێزدە شارۆچکە بوون، بەگوێرەی خێڵەکانیان.

61 بە قەهاتییەکانی دیکەش لە خاکی خێڵەکانی نیوەی هۆزی مەنەشە دە شارۆچکە بە تیروپشک درا.

62 بە نەوەی گێرشۆنیش، بەگوێرەی خێڵەکانیان، لە خاکی هۆزەکانی یەساخار، ئاشێر، نەفتالی و لەو بەشەی هۆزی مەنەشەش کە لە باشانن، سێزدە شارۆچکە درا.

63 بە نەوەی مەراریش بەگوێرەی خێڵەکانیان، لە بەشی هۆزەکانی ڕەئوبێن، گاد و زەبولون بە تیروپشک، دوازدە شارۆچکە درا.

64 ئیتر نەوەی ئیسرائیل ئەم شارۆچکانەیان بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە بە لێڤییەکان بەخشی. 65 هەروەها بە تیروپشک لە هۆزی نەوەی یەهودا و لە هۆزی نەوەی شیمۆن و لە هۆزی نەوەی بنیامین ئەو شارۆچکانەیان دا کە پێشتر ناویان برا.

66 هەندێک لە خێڵەکانی قەهاتییەکانیش شارۆچکەکانی سنووریان لە خاکی هۆزی ئەفرایم بوو.

67 لە ناوچە شاخاوییەکانی ئەفرایم شاری شەخەم وەک شاری پەناگا و گەزەر و 68 یۆقمەعام و بێت‌حۆرۆن و 69 ئەیالۆن و گەت ڕیمۆن بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە درا پێیان.

70 لە خاکی نیوەکەی دیکەی هۆزی مەنەشەش، شارۆچکەکانی عانێر و بیلەعام بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە، بە خێڵەکانی دیکەی قەهاتییەکان درا.

71 نەوەی گێرشۆن ئەم شارۆچکانەیان وەرگرت:

لە خاکی نیوەی هۆزی مەنەشە،

شارۆچکەی گۆلان لە باشان و شارۆچکەی عەشتارۆت بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە؛

72 لە خاکی هۆزی یەساخاریش،

شارۆچکەکانی قەدەش، داڤەرەت، 73 ڕامۆت و عانێم بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە؛

74 لە خاکی هۆزی ئاشێریش،

شارۆچکەکانی ماشال، عەڤدۆن، 75 حوقۆق و ڕەحۆڤ بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە؛

76 لە خاکی هۆزی نەفتالیش،

شارۆچکەی قەدەش لە جەلیل و شارۆچکەکانی حەمۆن و قیریاتەیم بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە.

77 لێڤییەکانی دیکە کە لە نەوەی مەراری بوون ئەم شارۆچکانەیان وەرگرت:

لە خاکی هۆزی زەبولون،

شارۆچکەکانی یۆقنەعام، قەرتا، ڕمۆنۆ و تاڤۆر بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە؛

78 لە خاکی هۆزی ڕەئوبێن لە بەری ڕۆژهەڵاتی ڕووباری ئوردون بەرامبەر ئەریحا،

شارۆچکەی بەچەر لە چۆڵەوانی و شارۆچکەکانی یەهچا، 79 قەدێمۆت و مێفەعەت بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە؛

80 هەروەها لە خاکی هۆزی گادیش،

شارۆچکەی ڕامۆت لە گلعاد و شارۆچکەکانی مەحەنەیم، 81 حەشبۆن و یەعزێر بە لەوەڕگاکانیانەوە.


  1. 6‏:60 گبعۆن: بڕوانە یەشوع 21‏:7‏‏.‏


[a]The sons of Levi:(A)

Gershon, Kohath and Merari.

The sons of Kohath:

Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel.(B)

The children of Amram:

Aaron, Moses and Miriam.(C)

The sons of Aaron:

Nadab, Abihu,(D) Eleazar(E) and Ithamar.(F)

Eleazar was the father of Phinehas,(G)

Phinehas the father of Abishua,

Abishua the father of Bukki,

Bukki the father of Uzzi,

Uzzi the father of Zerahiah,

Zerahiah the father of Meraioth,

Meraioth the father of Amariah,

Amariah the father of Ahitub,

Ahitub the father of Zadok,(H)

Zadok the father of Ahimaaz,

Ahimaaz the father of Azariah,

Azariah the father of Johanan,

10 Johanan the father of Azariah(I) (it was he who served as priest in the temple Solomon built in Jerusalem),

11 Azariah the father of Amariah,

Amariah the father of Ahitub,

12 Ahitub the father of Zadok,

Zadok the father of Shallum,

13 Shallum the father of Hilkiah,(J)

Hilkiah the father of Azariah,

14 Azariah the father of Seraiah,(K)

and Seraiah the father of Jozadak.[b]

15 Jozadak(L) was deported when the Lord sent Judah and Jerusalem into exile by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar.

16 The sons of Levi:(M)

Gershon,[c] Kohath and Merari.(N)

17 These are the names of the sons of Gershon:

Libni and Shimei.(O)

18 The sons of Kohath:

Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel.(P)

19 The sons of Merari:(Q)

Mahli and Mushi.(R)

These are the clans of the Levites listed according to their fathers:

20 Of Gershon:

Libni his son, Jahath his son,

Zimmah his son, 21 Joah his son,

Iddo his son, Zerah his son

and Jeatherai his son.

22 The descendants of Kohath:

Amminadab his son, Korah(S) his son,

Assir his son, 23 Elkanah his son,

Ebiasaph his son, Assir his son,

24 Tahath his son, Uriel(T) his son,

Uzziah his son and Shaul his son.

25 The descendants of Elkanah:

Amasai, Ahimoth,

26 Elkanah his son,[d] Zophai his son,

Nahath his son, 27 Eliab his son,

Jeroham his son, Elkanah(U) his son

and Samuel(V) his son.[e]

28 The sons of Samuel:

Joel[f](W) the firstborn

and Abijah the second son.

29 The descendants of Merari:

Mahli, Libni his son,

Shimei his son, Uzzah his son,

30 Shimea his son, Haggiah his son

and Asaiah his son.

The Temple Musicians(X)

31 These are the men(Y) David put in charge of the music(Z) in the house of the Lord after the ark came to rest there. 32 They ministered with music before the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, until Solomon built the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. They performed their duties according to the regulations laid down for them.

33 Here are the men who served, together with their sons:

From the Kohathites:

Heman,(AA) the musician,

the son of Joel,(AB) the son of Samuel,

34 the son of Elkanah,(AC) the son of Jeroham,

the son of Eliel, the son of Toah,

35 the son of Zuph, the son of Elkanah,

the son of Mahath, the son of Amasai,

36 the son of Elkanah, the son of Joel,

the son of Azariah, the son of Zephaniah,

37 the son of Tahath, the son of Assir,

the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah,(AD)

38 the son of Izhar,(AE) the son of Kohath,

the son of Levi, the son of Israel;

39 and Heman’s associate Asaph,(AF) who served at his right hand:

Asaph son of Berekiah, the son of Shimea,(AG)

40 the son of Michael, the son of Baaseiah,[g]

the son of Malkijah, 41 the son of Ethni,

the son of Zerah, the son of Adaiah,

42 the son of Ethan, the son of Zimmah,

the son of Shimei, 43 the son of Jahath,

the son of Gershon, the son of Levi;

44 and from their associates, the Merarites,(AH) at his left hand:

Ethan son of Kishi, the son of Abdi,

the son of Malluk, 45 the son of Hashabiah,

the son of Amaziah, the son of Hilkiah,

46 the son of Amzi, the son of Bani,

the son of Shemer, 47 the son of Mahli,

the son of Mushi, the son of Merari,

the son of Levi.

48 Their fellow Levites(AI) were assigned to all the other duties of the tabernacle, the house of God. 49 But Aaron and his descendants were the ones who presented offerings on the altar(AJ) of burnt offering and on the altar of incense(AK) in connection with all that was done in the Most Holy Place, making atonement for Israel, in accordance with all that Moses the servant of God had commanded.

50 These were the descendants of Aaron:

Eleazar his son, Phinehas his son,

Abishua his son, 51 Bukki his son,

Uzzi his son, Zerahiah his son,

52 Meraioth his son, Amariah his son,

Ahitub his son, 53 Zadok(AL) his son

and Ahimaaz his son.

54 These were the locations of their settlements(AM) allotted as their territory (they were assigned to the descendants of Aaron who were from the Kohathite clan, because the first lot was for them):

55 They were given Hebron in Judah with its surrounding pasturelands. 56 But the fields and villages around the city were given to Caleb son of Jephunneh.(AN)

57 So the descendants of Aaron were given Hebron (a city of refuge), and Libnah,[h](AO) Jattir,(AP) Eshtemoa, 58 Hilen, Debir,(AQ) 59 Ashan,(AR) Juttah[i] and Beth Shemesh, together with their pasturelands. 60 And from the tribe of Benjamin they were given Gibeon,[j] Geba, Alemeth and Anathoth,(AS) together with their pasturelands.

The total number of towns distributed among the Kohathite clans came to thirteen.

61 The rest of Kohath’s descendants were allotted ten towns from the clans of half the tribe of Manasseh.

62 The descendants of Gershon, clan by clan, were allotted thirteen towns from the tribes of Issachar, Asher and Naphtali, and from the part of the tribe of Manasseh that is in Bashan.

63 The descendants of Merari, clan by clan, were allotted twelve towns from the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Zebulun.

64 So the Israelites gave the Levites these towns(AT) and their pasturelands. 65 From the tribes of Judah, Simeon and Benjamin they allotted the previously named towns.

66 Some of the Kohathite clans were given as their territory towns from the tribe of Ephraim.

67 In the hill country of Ephraim they were given Shechem (a city of refuge), and Gezer,[k](AU) 68 Jokmeam,(AV) Beth Horon,(AW) 69 Aijalon(AX) and Gath Rimmon,(AY) together with their pasturelands.

70 And from half the tribe of Manasseh the Israelites gave Aner and Bileam, together with their pasturelands, to the rest of the Kohathite clans.

71 The Gershonites(AZ) received the following:

From the clan of the half-tribe of Manasseh

they received Golan in Bashan(BA) and also Ashtaroth, together with their pasturelands;

72 from the tribe of Issachar

they received Kedesh, Daberath,(BB) 73 Ramoth and Anem, together with their pasturelands;

74 from the tribe of Asher

they received Mashal, Abdon,(BC) 75 Hukok(BD) and Rehob,(BE) together with their pasturelands;

76 and from the tribe of Naphtali

they received Kedesh in Galilee, Hammon(BF) and Kiriathaim,(BG) together with their pasturelands.

77 The Merarites (the rest of the Levites) received the following:

From the tribe of Zebulun

they received Jokneam, Kartah,[l] Rimmono and Tabor, together with their pasturelands;

78 from the tribe of Reuben across the Jordan east of Jericho

they received Bezer(BH) in the wilderness, Jahzah, 79 Kedemoth(BI) and Mephaath, together with their pasturelands;

80 and from the tribe of Gad

they received Ramoth in Gilead,(BJ) Mahanaim,(BK) 81 Heshbon and Jazer,(BL) together with their pasturelands.(BM)


  1. 1 Chronicles 6:1 In Hebrew texts 6:1-15 is numbered 5:27-41, and 6:16-81 is numbered 6:1-66.
  2. 1 Chronicles 6:14 Hebrew Jehozadak, a variant of Jozadak; also in verse 15
  3. 1 Chronicles 6:16 Hebrew Gershom, a variant of Gershon; also in verses 17, 20, 43, 62 and 71
  4. 1 Chronicles 6:26 Some Hebrew manuscripts, Septuagint and Syriac; most Hebrew manuscripts Ahimoth 26 and Elkanah. The sons of Elkanah:
  5. 1 Chronicles 6:27 Some Septuagint manuscripts (see also 1 Samuel 1:19,20 and 1 Chron. 6:33,34); Hebrew does not have and Samuel his son.
  6. 1 Chronicles 6:28 Some Septuagint manuscripts and Syriac (see also 1 Samuel 8:2 and 1 Chron. 6:33); Hebrew does not have Joel.
  7. 1 Chronicles 6:40 Most Hebrew manuscripts; some Hebrew manuscripts, one Septuagint manuscript and Syriac Maaseiah
  8. 1 Chronicles 6:57 See Joshua 21:13; Hebrew given the cities of refuge: Hebron, Libnah.
  9. 1 Chronicles 6:59 Syriac (see also Septuagint and Joshua 21:16); Hebrew does not have Juttah.
  10. 1 Chronicles 6:60 See Joshua 21:17; Hebrew does not have Gibeon.
  11. 1 Chronicles 6:67 See Joshua 21:21; Hebrew given the cities of refuge: Shechem, Gezer.
  12. 1 Chronicles 6:77 See Septuagint and Joshua 21:34; Hebrew does not have Jokneam, Kartah.

The sons of Levi; Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.

And the sons of Kohath; Amram, Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel.

And the children of Amram; Aaron, and Moses, and Miriam. The sons also of Aaron; Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.

Eleazar begat Phinehas, Phinehas begat Abishua,

And Abishua begat Bukki, and Bukki begat Uzzi,

And Uzzi begat Zerahiah, and Zerahiah begat Meraioth,

Meraioth begat Amariah, and Amariah begat Ahitub,

And Ahitub begat Zadok, and Zadok begat Ahimaaz,

And Ahimaaz begat Azariah, and Azariah begat Johanan,

10 And Johanan begat Azariah, (he it is that executed the priest's office in the temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem:)

11 And Azariah begat Amariah, and Amariah begat Ahitub,

12 And Ahitub begat Zadok, and Zadok begat Shallum,

13 And Shallum begat Hilkiah, and Hilkiah begat Azariah,

14 And Azariah begat Seraiah, and Seraiah begat Jehozadak,

15 And Jehozadak went into captivity, when the Lord carried away Judah and Jerusalem by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar.

16 The sons of Levi; Gershom, Kohath, and Merari.

17 And these be the names of the sons of Gershom; Libni, and Shimei.

18 And the sons of Kohath were, Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel.

19 The sons of Merari; Mahli, and Mushi. And these are the families of the Levites according to their fathers.

20 Of Gershom; Libni his son, Jahath his son, Zimmah his son,

21 Joah his son, Iddo his son, Zerah his son, Jeaterai his son.

22 The sons of Kohath; Amminadab his son, Korah his son, Assir his son,

23 Elkanah his son, and Ebiasaph his son, and Assir his son,

24 Tahath his son, Uriel his son, Uzziah his son, and Shaul his son.

25 And the sons of Elkanah; Amasai, and Ahimoth.

26 As for Elkanah: the sons of Elkanah; Zophai his son, and Nahath his son,

27 Eliab his son, Jeroham his son, Elkanah his son.

28 And the sons of Samuel; the firstborn Vashni, and Abiah.

29 The sons of Merari; Mahli, Libni his son, Shimei his son, Uzza his son,

30 Shimea his son, Haggiah his son, Asaiah his son.

31 And these are they whom David set over the service of song in the house of the Lord, after that the ark had rest.

32 And they ministered before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation with singing, until Solomon had built the house of the Lord in Jerusalem: and then they waited on their office according to their order.

33 And these are they that waited with their children. Of the sons of the Kohathites: Heman a singer, the son of Joel, the son of Shemuel,

34 The son of Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Eliel, the son of Toah,

35 The son of Zuph, the son of Elkanah, the son of Mahath, the son of Amasai,

36 The son of Elkanah, the son of Joel, the son of Azariah, the son of Zephaniah,

37 The son of Tahath, the son of Assir, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah,

38 The son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, the son of Israel.

39 And his brother Asaph, who stood on his right hand, even Asaph the son of Berachiah, the son of Shimea,

40 The son of Michael, the son of Baaseiah, the son of Malchiah,

41 The son of Ethni, the son of Zerah, the son of Adaiah,

42 The son of Ethan, the son of Zimmah, the son of Shimei,

43 The son of Jahath, the son of Gershom, the son of Levi.

44 And their brethren the sons of Merari stood on the left hand: Ethan the son of Kishi, the son of Abdi, the son of Malluch,

45 The son of Hashabiah, the son of Amaziah, the son of Hilkiah,

46 The son of Amzi, the son of Bani, the son of Shamer,

47 The son of Mahli, the son of Mushi, the son of Merari, the son of Levi.

48 Their brethren also the Levites were appointed unto all manner of service of the tabernacle of the house of God.

49 But Aaron and his sons offered upon the altar of the burnt offering, and on the altar of incense, and were appointed for all the work of the place most holy, and to make an atonement for Israel, according to all that Moses the servant of God had commanded.

50 And these are the sons of Aaron; Eleazar his son, Phinehas his son, Abishua his son,

51 Bukki his son, Uzzi his son, Zerahiah his son,

52 Meraioth his son, Amariah his son, Ahitub his son,

53 Zadok his son, Ahimaaz his son.

54 Now these are their dwelling places throughout their castles in their coasts, of the sons of Aaron, of the families of the Kohathites: for theirs was the lot.

55 And they gave them Hebron in the land of Judah, and the suburbs thereof round about it.

56 But the fields of the city, and the villages thereof, they gave to Caleb the son of Jephunneh.

57 And to the sons of Aaron they gave the cities of Judah, namely, Hebron, the city of refuge, and Libnah with her suburbs, and Jattir, and Eshtemoa, with their suburbs,

58 And Hilen with her suburbs, Debir with her suburbs,

59 And Ashan with her suburbs, and Bethshemesh with her suburbs:

60 And out of the tribe of Benjamin; Geba with her suburbs, and Alemeth with her suburbs, and Anathoth with her suburbs. All their cities throughout their families were thirteen cities.

61 And unto the sons of Kohath, which were left of the family of that tribe, were cities given out of the half tribe, namely, out of the half tribe of Manasseh, by lot, ten cities.

62 And to the sons of Gershom throughout their families out of the tribe of Issachar, and out of the tribe of Asher, and out of the tribe of Naphtali, and out of the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan, thirteen cities.

63 Unto the sons of Merari were given by lot, throughout their families, out of the tribe of Reuben, and out of the tribe of Gad, and out of the tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities.

64 And the children of Israel gave to the Levites these cities with their suburbs.

65 And they gave by lot out of the tribe of the children of Judah, and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon, and out of the tribe of the children of Benjamin, these cities, which are called by their names.

66 And the residue of the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of their coasts out of the tribe of Ephraim.

67 And they gave unto them, of the cities of refuge, Shechem in mount Ephraim with her suburbs; they gave also Gezer with her suburbs,

68 And Jokmeam with her suburbs, and Bethhoron with her suburbs,

69 And Aijalon with her suburbs, and Gathrimmon with her suburbs:

70 And out of the half tribe of Manasseh; Aner with her suburbs, and Bileam with her suburbs, for the family of the remnant of the sons of Kohath.

71 Unto the sons of Gershom were given out of the family of the half tribe of Manasseh, Golan in Bashan with her suburbs, and Ashtaroth with her suburbs:

72 And out of the tribe of Issachar; Kedesh with her suburbs, Daberath with her suburbs,

73 And Ramoth with her suburbs, and Anem with her suburbs:

74 And out of the tribe of Asher; Mashal with her suburbs, and Abdon with her suburbs,

75 And Hukok with her suburbs, and Rehob with her suburbs:

76 And out of the tribe of Naphtali; Kedesh in Galilee with her suburbs, and Hammon with her suburbs, and Kirjathaim with her suburbs.

77 Unto the rest of the children of Merari were given out of the tribe of Zebulun, Rimmon with her suburbs, Tabor with her suburbs:

78 And on the other side Jordan by Jericho, on the east side of Jordan, were given them out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with her suburbs, and Jahzah with her suburbs,

79 Kedemoth also with her suburbs, and Mephaath with her suburbs:

80 And out of the tribe of Gad; Ramoth in Gilead with her suburbs, and Mahanaim with her suburbs,

81 And Heshbon with her suburbs, and Jazer with her suburbs.