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33 But this shall be the covenant, which I shall smite with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I shall give my law in the entrails of them, and I shall write it in the heart of them, and I shall be into God to them, and they shall be into a people to me. (But this shall be the covenant, which I shall strike with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I shall put my Law in their bowels, or in their innards, and I shall write it upon their hearts, and I shall be their God, and they shall be my people.)

34 And a man shall no more teach his neighbour, and a man his brother, and say, Know thou the Lord; for all shall know me, from the least of them unto the most, saith the Lord; for I shall be merciful to the wickednesses of them, and I shall no more be mindful on the sin of them (for I shall be merciful to them regarding their wickednesses, and I shall remember their sin no more).

35 The Lord saith these things, that giveth the sun in the light of day, the order of the moon and of the stars in the light of the night, which troubleth the sea, and the waves thereof sound, the Lord of hosts is name to him. (The Lord saith these things, who giveth the sun for the light of the day, and the order of the moon and of the stars for the light of the night, who troubleth the sea, and its waves sound, or roar, the Lord of hosts is his name.)

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